How many clinical hours did you get while training for EMT?


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My school that I start tomorrow boasts about all the clinical hours thery do and claims that we'll do the same rotations as first year med students. According to the teacher, the state only requires 57hours while they require 500. How does this compare to your education?
that's a lot for an EMT class. Good,
24 hours for my class
That is freaking amazing. If you dont mind me asking, can you post a link to your school or pm one to me?
500? Woah.

I did 10...I'd like to see Registry require, say, 40 hours.
Back when I did EMT, (1996 or 97?) we only had to do something like 24 hours ride time. Two whole 12 hour shifts. I think the County (State?) only needed something like 12 hours.
500 hours?!

At Ivy Tech in Indiana this spring semester, for my EMT-B class, I did 16 hours. 8 hours in a Level II ED and 8 hours on an ambulance shift.
I believe my school only required 84 hours but I did 96 :D
If you don't mind me asking, can you provide the link to the school. Or the link to where it says 500 hours of clinical time?
My school that I start tomorrow boasts about all the clinical hours thery do and claims that we'll do the same rotations as first year med students. According to the teacher, the state only requires 57hours while they require 500. How does this compare to your education?

Those are Paramedic clinical hours lol. Why not just take a Paramedic class?
Damn. I'm doing a little over 500 for my medic class.

I did 60 for EMT.
EMT B was 48 plus 10 hours community service(2 Er and 2 ambulance shifts)
EMT I was 500 plus 20 hours community service and min skills
Medic was 750 plus 30 community service hours and min skills
These were the minimum clinical hours.
My school that I start tomorrow boasts about all the clinical hours thery do and claims that we'll do the same rotations as first year med students. According to the teacher, the state only requires 57hours while they require 500. How does this compare to your education?

The above is a conflicting. Most first year medical student have very limited clinical time (nowhere near 500). Third year med students put in up to 3000 hours.
The school I am going to attend is a 2 1/2 month program and they only require 24 hours of clinical. They offer three different classes, all day, evenings and weekends. Also they have online too, I did not think something like EMT could be done online.
All of the programs in the area of Lebanon, TN have 60 or 72 hours of clinicals noted (VolState and TN Tech). I cannot find any EMT-B program in TN with more than that.
We were required to do 16 hours in an ED and 24 on an ambulance. I ended up doing 24 in the ED, 24 on the ambulance, and 12 with ALS fire, which a few in my class also took advantage of.
We had to do 20 in the ER and 20 on an ALS ambulance. Most people did more because the school had objectives like taking 100 sets of vital signs, perform 10 patient assessments, backboard 3 patients, use a NRB, bag a patient, use a combi tube or king airway etc, and not getting those objectives signed off meant you could be prevented from graduating.

In the end if we didn't get an objective they just had us demonstrate it, answer questions on the skill and then write a report on it. It was a lot easier to just DO THEM during clinicals than go through all that crap.
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Holy hell. I did a single 12 hour ER shift for my EMT. That was like 5 years ago.
48 hours and 10 patient contacts with 10 complete PCRs filled out (no identifying info).

State requires 12 hours and college insurance won't let us exceed 48 hours. Shifts can all be done on a fire engine, Ambulance, Trauma/burn Center hospital, or a mix of all the above.

If students don't get the 10 patient contacts they get insurance extended however many hours they need until they have the 10 patient contacts.
When you guys went out to do your clinicals, did you ever have it to where the medic or whoever you were with would not let you do anything? The first time I was in the EMT program we had students who said they were not allowed to do anything other than observe and others were able to do everything.