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Instant on radar may not be all that accurate initially as the transmitter may require time to stabilize, but after a very short period of transmit time, it's very accurate. "Pop" mode is very problematic... Most radar detectors can't even detect it because the burst is too quick. These all have the problem of beam width, even at a relatively close distance.I was under the impression that radar detectors were almost useless nowadays due to instant on radar.
The Valentine One does a rudimentary version of DF. Using other DF techniques, you can also see exactly the direction the signal is coming from. The V-one also has other tricks up it's sleeve too...The Valentine One radar detector has been providing directional information for 20+ years. I haven't used a radar detector in about a decade. When I did use one, only for driving my long commute on the interstate, it was surprisingly effective. Now back to your regularly scheduled topic.
Of course, if you're sophisticated enough to build your own DF equipment that's capable DF and frequency determination... you're also likely knowledgeable enough to build your own EW suite for your car... which is not exactly legal if you use it.
Best way to avoid tickets is not driving stupid...