How do you keep up your energy?

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I find that complaining and telling those damn kids to stay out if my yard gets me pretty jazzed up.
Monsters. Lots of Monsters. When I get tired I just drink another one.

oof... I see so many guys doing this. I gotta say I feel so much better having quit that stuff.

More water, less soft drinks, more sleep, less alcohol, more exercise, eating real food (meaning cutting out the fast food. This also may mean spending time preparing things yourself). I also try to limit myself to one cup of coffee. All these things should lead to sustainable energy throughout the day, not those short bursts.

Be smart, though. If you're falling asleep at the wheel, maybe forget the one coffee rule for the time being.
Hookers and blow, my friends.

Lol in all reality lots of water and little snacks ( like apples and peanut butter) and a couple cans of the white Monsters during the shift
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Hookers and blow my friends.

Lol in all reality lots of water and little snacks ( like apples and peanut butter) and a couple cans of the white Monsters during the shift

It's on like donkey kong! Where do I sign up?

I'm partial to regular Redbull or green Amps but ill try any of them. Not a rockstar fan personally. Ill have to try the white monster, seen it around never bought it though. What's it taste like?
It's on like donkey kong! Where do I sign up?

I'm partial to regular Redbull or green Amps but ill try any of them. Not a rockstar fan personally. Ill have to try the white monster, seen it around never bought it though. What's it taste like?

Same, can't stand full throttle. Redbull, Monster (Nitrous or the white ones), and Nos (really like the new juice ones they came out with). I'm really gonna have to try JT's methods, though... Cocaine's a hell of a drug :cool: :D
Same, can't stand full throttle. Redbull, Monster (Nitrous or the white ones), and Nos (really like the new juice ones they came out with). I'm really gonna have to try JT's methods, though... Cocaine's a hell of a drug :cool: :D

How could I forget about Nos!?

Ever had a Redline? My advice...don't. And if you do only drink half at a time.
How could I forget about Nos!?

Ever had a Redline? My advice...don't. And if you do only drink half at a time.

Never had one. My buddy nearly died after drinking one before our 800m race, so I've never had the desire... Lol :P Granted, we were only 17, it was a hot day right before a very fast race, and he'd never had an energy drink before... :lol:
Wow, one missing comma sure makes a big difference! :lol:

(Yes, I actually registered to say that).

:rofl: Definitely worth it :lol:
Wow, one missing comma sure makes a big difference! :lol:

(Yes, I actually registered to say that).

Lol damn. Heh the joys of typing while I'm half asleep on duty
Same, can't stand full throttle. Redbull, Monster (Nitrous or the white ones), and Nos (really like the new juice ones they came out with). I'm really gonna have to try JT's methods, though... Cocaine's a hell of a drug :cool: :D

Nos tastes like cough syrup, but it's the only energy drink that's ever given me jitters. The stuff is strong.
Hey MadDog,
Just wanted to say thanks for the great advice. I made 3 simple changes. 1) I quit eating bread of any kind with breakfast and lunch (well occasionally I get caught out and have to get a Subway sandwich for lunch) and have been more careful about grains of any kind. 2) I replaced my breakfast bagel or cereal with high-protein fruit smoothies and fresh-egg omelettes and 3) I replaced my snack chips and crackers with iron-rich dried fruit.

I know from experience I can't eliminate fruit from my life. I've done it before and it really messes with me. It's hard to do anything reduced-carb as a vegetarian; you just run out of stuff to eat. But I want to say, your advice about limiting grains is spot-on. Once I get out of school and have more time, I intend to experiment more with non-grain suppers, or lat least move more toward limited amounts whole grains, as opposed to the crap we are eating now.

Thanks again for the great advice.

Some floor exercises in the morning and a healthy diet throughout the day helps me energetic.
An early morning run, every morning. Not only does it keep me healthy and fit but surprisingly it keeps me energetic. And coffee, lots of coffee.
4 shot ice coffee every morning. Should this not happen there will be serious issues in the universe. After that all I drink is water usually, maybe a coke at dinner every five shifts or so. I try to have a smallish breakfast and lunch so if I need a hospital nature valley bar for a little energy I'm not overeating or putting myself in a food coma.

And then there's the whole being at a station thing. When I'm tired I nap. Hooray!
In terms of work:

Eating well
Rarely eating out (real difficult to do but sometimes I feel like crap afterwards)
Sleeping well/safety naps on 24's/48's
No energy drinks (coffee is okay in my book, in moderation)

I know that last one is a bit of a stretch but I've been working 24's BLS and now onto ALS for almost 2 years now without them. I firmly believe in eating/sleeping well, and the rest will take care of ya. Plus I think I've gotten so used to the scheduling that it's a part of my life now. It can be hard in the beginning but as soon as you get your rhythm and routine down, it'll become more comfortable.