I apologize I should have clarified my point. I wasn't insinuating that every city/town should have their own EMS system, I just making the point that if every city/town had paid EMS (be it municipal,third party, private entity etc etc.) pay and advancement would go up for EMS providers.
yeah, maybe in dreamland... or if you drink the cool aid that private employers keep using to keep wages low.
Many communities are already serviced by third party providers who offer zero dollar contracts to cities/towns in exchange to be able to bill their residences for services rendered.
by private companies, who are paying $9 an hour (if they are lucky), where turnover is high, and employers pay their employees crap, because if they leave, they will just replace them with another new grade, who will accept $9 an hour.
As long as vollie services are around, pay and advancement in EMS will continue to grow at the turtle pace it is now.
That's a lie that spreads around paid EMS circles, usually spread by managers who don't want to pay their staff much money, and then by employees who just parrot what they are told without even thinking it through. And if you think about it, instead of drinking the koolaid, you will realize it makes 0 sense.
volunteers have 0 to do with paid salaries, except in areas where paid and volunteers work for the same agency (combination agencies or paid and volunteer agencies covering the same primary areas).
I work in a city, making a decent living. if I were to volunteer 20 miles away, that wouldn't affect my salary at all. and if my boss tried to tell me that my volunteering would affect my work salary, all I would tell him is "one thing has nothing to do with the other." Lots of paid firefighters who make a lot of money, and there are still a lot of volunteer firefighter.
towns already don't want to pay for EMS. forcing them to create a well funded and well staffed system is expensive, and all too often towns choose to outsource to a :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty private company that will hire newbies at $9 an hour. and if they complain, they just fire them and replace them with another $9 an hour employee.
low wages will continue as long as people in EMS are willing to accept low wages.