So, I think that this borders on a company having their right to do what they want to do, are entitled to do, and a violation of employee rights and HIPAA. If an employee chooses to NOT get the vaccination, then, I think that is on them. If it were me as an administrator, I would make sure that it was noted in their file, and also there would have to be an addendum to the SOP/SOG which states that an employee who refuses to take the vaccination, then test positive for COVID19 then they simply are not entitled to the get to use any extra sick time. I personally, do not understand the whole "anti-vax" mindset, my oldest daughter is an anti-vax person, and eventually, I am going to text her and find out that line of thinking. Personally, I did a career in the Army, and you get so used to simply rolling up your sleeve and getting a shot, you don't care. I was offered it, I wrote the SOP/SOG for my department, towards my finalizing it, the Chief told me to put the COVID19 addendum in there. We are a volunteer department. You would think that our people cannot be told what to do. Personally, I am of the mindset, that if they want to get the vax, it is tracked, we have not dropped the Addendum, we made it permanent actually. Our people can refuse the vax, however, they understand that they will not receive any workman's comp if they do not get the vax, and they do not follow the established addendum protocol. We also have the same types of protocols when it comes to what members wear under their Bunker Gear and fighting wildland fires. We had an ex-member get poison oak at one time because he was not dressed out properly in his wildland gear. He was out of the game. He attempted to file workman's comp on us. Personally, I did not think it was a horrible thing, but our insurance company said he had to use his companies workman's comp first and then he could file with our insurance company.
For a company to take the thought of "suspending" personnel is not something that I would personally agree to. Make an addendum. Make sure that they understand that they cannot claim anything relating to COVID-19. However, to trample of the rights to medical care, is not something that should be allowed to happen. What next? Are they going to make the decision that my living will and DNR does not apply because they feel that everyone wants to go on living? So, I do not agree with the decision.