God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

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I don't really know the rules around here but I would hope the thread wouldn't be shut down because of some sarcasm.

Anyway, it is my belief that the answers to everybody's questions will be answered eventually, and I for one am in no rush to find out.

I don't think we are capable in our present form to understand all of the answers, we are here to learn, improve and move on.

I have enjoysd reading everybodies take on things, I can't wait for the political thread!:rolleyes:
I don't really know the rules around here but I would hope the thread wouldn't be shut down because of some sarcasm.

No such luck. Looks like I have to work harder.
I don't really know the rules around here but I would hope the thread wouldn't be shut down because of some sarcasm.

Anyway, it is my belief that the answers to everybody's questions will be answered eventually, and I for one am in no rush to find out.

I don't think we are capable in our present form to understand all of the answers, we are here to learn, improve and move on.

I have enjoysd reading everybodies take on things, I can't wait for the political thread!:rolleyes:

Oh my gosh that will be worse!!! I have just one quick observation... For as many people in the world who do not believe in God, they sure don't have any problem using is name when they talk. Why don't people go around and say "Oh my Big Bang theory"

The answer is because I think they really do believe in God they just don't want to admit it. Because if they did they would have to become accountable for there actions.

Someone said that he or she needed to see to believe. Really? Can you see the air that you breath? No, but you enjoy the benifits of it and you can see it move things. Such is God, you can't see him but you can see him through what he has created, Look in the mirror!!!:)
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."..Albert Einstein
I hate that word religion. It can mean so many things to so many people. Kind of like the word Christian. Everyone seems to be one just ask em. LOL
Oh my gosh that will be worse!!! I have just one quick observation... For as many people in the world who do not believe in God, they sure don't have any problem using is name when they talk. Why don't people go around and say "Oh my Big Bang theory"

The answer is because I think they really do believe in God they just don't want to admit it. Because if they did they would have to become accountable for there actions.

Someone said that he or she needed to see to believe. Really? Can you see the air that you breath? No, but you enjoy the benifits of it and you can see it move things. Such is God, you can't see him but you can see him through what he has created, Look in the mirror!!!:)

Or "oh my god" is a phrase that's been ingrained into our verbal culture. Is it sad if I see a sperm and an egg when I look in the mirror??
You can have a code of ethics and a sense of accountability without believing in God. I take my notions of right or wrong from Philosophy. I think that I am actually harder on myself than some (maybe not all) religious people, in terms of the standards to which I hold my actions.

I believe that I only have this life. If I do something wrong, I deal with the immediate consequences in this lifetime. I can't do something wrong and then ask forgiveness of God, because I don't believe that there is anyone to forgive me for my sins.

I also don't believe in an absolute 'right' or 'wrong.' Life is too complicated for that, but I do try to live by Utilitarianism (greatest good for the greatest number of people -- although that argument does not *always* work.) I also, to some extent, follow Existentialism, which can have several different logical outcomes. There is a lot of cruelty, pain, and injustice in the world. I don't believe that there is a meaning to life -- *except* for the meaning you create. How can there be a divine purpose for warfare, genocide, or child-abuse? The meaning I give my life is to try to act justly, help others as much as I can, and try to make the world a better place.

I respect your beliefs in God, but even though I don't believe in God, I am able to follow a code of ethics and to maintain a sense of accountability for my actions.
You are right that phrase has been said since the beginning of time :) And as far as what you see, yep that is sad. God created you in His image. You are way more then just an egg and a sperm.
The answer is because I think they really do believe in God they just don't want to admit it. Because if they did they would have to become accountable for there actions.

Wrong. I use oh my god all the time. I accept accountability for all my actions, I think it's opposite. Without God, no one could claim anything was God's will, or it was that way because of God!

I use "oh my god" because it's what my friends used in high school, middle school, elementary school. It has no meaning to me!
You are right that phrase has been said since the beginning of time :) And as far as what you see, yep that is sad. God created you in His image. You are way more then just an egg and a sperm.

Well there's a few other cell types in there too obviously ;)
So you don't believe in Heavan or Hell? So when you die you think that is that you are just dead in the ground? I am sorry that you believe that and if I thought for one second that me talking would make you believe any differant I would keep typing, but I don't so I won't. Thank you for respecting me and I will respect by not being a thorn in your side. If you don't believe in God or the Bible then my continuing to go on is pointless.
So you don't believe in Heavan or Hell? So when you die you think that is that you are just dead in the ground? I am sorry that you believe that and if I thought for one second that me talking would make you believe any differant I would keep typing, but I don't so I won't. Thank you for respecting me and I will respect by not being a thorn in your side. If you don't believe in God or the Bible then my continuing to go on is pointless.

I'm not trying to take you with me or change your beliefs, most of what I was arguing before was because of problems with their argument for a religion or against scientific explanations. I'm glad that you believe in something so fully. I realize that there is nothing to say definitively the world is one way or the other. It comes down to what people want to believe. Questions no one has an answer to (or proof of the answer).
Wrong. I use oh my god all the time. I accept accountability for all my actions, I think it's opposite. Without God, no one could claim anything was God's will, or it was that way because of God!

I use "oh my god" because it's what my friends used in high school, middle school, elementary school. It has no meaning to me!

Right. Same here.

I am accountable to myself for my actions. Atheists actually have a pretty strong moral compass!
So you don't believe in Heavan or Hell? So when you die you think that is that you are just dead in the ground? I am sorry that you believe that and if I thought for one second that me talking would make you believe any differant I would keep typing, but I don't so I won't. Thank you for respecting me and I will respect by not being a thorn in your side. If you don't believe in God or the Bible then my continuing to go on is pointless.

Why feel sorry? I am happy with my beliefs. I believe dying is just like going to sleep. But for a much longer time than my afternoon nap.
Do you believe patient's faith plays a major part in their prognosis? Do you feel that religious or spiritual patients generally have a better outcome or are more at peace with a poor prognosis? Why or why not?

Threads evolve and at times might stray off topic. This particular one, I believe, has strayed so far it has gone left of the foul line.

To get back on topic, Sasha, yes I do believe a pt's faith plays a major part in their prognoses. And here's why.

God is not a genie. You don't rub on a lamp (cross) in order to get what you want. You do not use religion and/or faith healing in order to make you "feel better". Religion does not make or break your health. You love for and of God does not get you to feel better, it strengthens and heals you soul by getting your relationship with stronger and closer. Period. Nothing more. Faith is an action verb. It is also not something you feel, think, guess, wonder, or hope. It is something you know. And those with a healthy soul, my dear, have a shot at a better chance of healing than those that do not.

There's no secret to it, hon. It is just that simple.
God is not a genie. [
Well, not in your religion. He, She or them might be in someone else's.

It is just that simple.[/QUOTE]It certainly isn't
Well, I thought this would be an interesting topic but, it looks like it's just turned into a God bashing thread.

There are passionate beliefs on both sides of the fence, and while I am firmly in the believer camp, I think it's interesting to hear other's opinions. Now, as far as my passion, that would be chocolate chip ice cream...:rolleyes:
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