God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

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Science contradicts itself.

Science says you can't make something out of nothing, and that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, yet the "Big Bang" theory is widely accepted.

Choose one or the other science! Can't play both sides of the fence!

Science never said that matter can't change form or size.
I find it interesting how people justify the non-existence. I been to some Atheist forums before, and they are so hard core in defending their position.... Atheists almost make Atheism a religion!

If you dont believe something exists, I dont understand why Atheist go through all the trouble of defending Atheism.... what is there to defend if there is nothing? Its almost as if they feel threatened.
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Where did the very first matter ever come from, than?
To preface, I believe in the Bible as being God's spoken word left for us to follow throughout this time period until the return of his son Jesus Christ.

To answer your question....
I keep things in perspective... we are mere human and when compared to God, we are much less intellectually. How can I or any other human being be smarter than the designer and creator of life? God is on an intellectual level so high and so much greater that we can never, ever begin to realize this vastness and some things we will never, ever be able to explain.... such as who was before God.

I've asked myself that question and pondered it and it used to give me a headache honestly...lol... until I've realized there was nothing before God... God always was.... I have no idea how this can be... but I realize my rational is based on the concept that everything must have a beginning and an end which is just human thinking... just because something cannot be explained does not mean it cannot be. God tests our faithfulness by FAITH.

Read the book of Revelation and look at the world around you. Ask yourself if what is written in Revelation isn't taking place verbatim right in front of your eyes. The Bible isnt a story book of fiction.

Haven't seen the sun turning black, the moon becoming as blood or the 4 horsemen quite yet...
Same place God came from!

So, it's within the realm of possibility that matter never existed and POOF, just appeared, but totally impossible for a supreme being to exist?
I find it interesting how people justify the non-existence. I been to some Atheist forums before, and they are so hard core in defending their position.... Atheists almost make Atheism a religion!

If you dont believe something exists, I dont understand why Atheist go through all the trouble of defending Atheism.... what is there to defend if there is nothing? Its almost as if they feel threatened.

I find it incredibly interesting people refuse to accept rational answers, yet will widely accept what men thousands of years ago once wrote in a book without any tangible evidence that the universe was the work of a higher power.
FAM08... give it time.... JC hasn't returned yet either.... give it time.
I find it incredibly interesting people refuse to accept rational answers, yet will widely accept what men thousands of years ago once wrote in a book without any tangible evidence that the universe was the work of a higher power.

And without any tangible evidence that it wasn't.
So, it's within the realm of possibility that matter never existed and POOF, just appeared, but totally impossible for a supreme being to exist?

I don't have the answer, I'm not a science major, but I am more apt to believe that than in God.
And without any tangible evidence that it wasn't.

Doesn't work that way! If you want someone to believe your theory you must prove it, not disprove it!
I don't have the answer, I'm not a science major, but I am more apt to believe that than in God.

Like I said, science contradicts itself.

You can't say something doesn't exist because of some reason, but everything else exist for the same reason.
Doesn't work that way! If you want someone to believe your theory you must prove it, not disprove it!

Exactly. And aethist have yet to prove a thing.

Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Rational answers according to who? you? Your rational does not define the universe or who created it. Its only rational to you because its what you want to believe.

I've considered other possibilities. I'm not narrow minded. Creation makes much more sense to me.
Like I said, science contradicts itself.

You can't say something doesn't exist because of some reason, but everything else exist for the same reason.

So does the bible!
Sasha... so you read the Bible and found out for yourselve that the Bible contradicts itself? Or is that just what your Atheist friends have told you?
Ahh.. so it's ok to say it when it's for the athiestical view, but un-ok to say it if it's for the religious view?

What I am saying is that you can't simply base your theory on the fact that something contradicts itself. The bible contradicts itself just as much as science!

ResTech, I respect you very much. I think it's amazing someone can have so much faith in something and discuss it so passionately. It is truly a powerful thing!
Sasha... so you read the Bible and found out for yourselve that the Bible contradicts itself? Or is that just what your Atheist friends have told you?

I was raised Catholic, love! I did the bible thing for awhile.

And the guilt.. Oh god the guilt!
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