To preface, I believe in the Bible as being God's spoken word left for us to follow throughout this time period until the return of his son Jesus Christ.
To answer your question....
I keep things in perspective... we are mere human and when compared to God, we are much less intellectually. How can I or any other human being be smarter than the designer and creator of life? God is on an intellectual level so high and so much greater that we can never, ever begin to realize this vastness and some things we will never, ever be able to explain.... such as who was before God.
I've asked myself that question and pondered it and it used to give me a headache until I've realized there was nothing before God... God always was.... I have no idea how this can be... but I realize my rational is based on the concept that everything must have a beginning and an end which is just human thinking... just because something cannot be explained does not mean it cannot be. God tests our faithfulness by FAITH.
Read the book of Revelation and look at the world around you. Ask yourself if what is written in Revelation isn't taking place verbatim right in front of your eyes. The Bible isnt a story book of fiction.