I will note that there have been some miraculous healing that have occured in other parts of the world. As I noted in another thread, I am catholic and do believe in God and that he/she is a "Higher Power". I have heard from doctors in other countries that they some people have traveled to Medugorie (a place where a few (3 to be exact) see apparitions of the Blessed Mother. Now note, I'm not a doubter of God, and yes, I do believe in science as well, but when someone who has had cancer for a year and a half and has a prognosis to die by some of the best doctors in the world, goes to Medugorie and prays during an apparition, returns home, and is miraculously cured..... well then I say thats a gift from God.
But as I said, I believe in science and if something can be proven scientifically, then its true. but miraculous healings.... that's something that (I think) we'll never understand.
**on a side note.... not to thread-jack this one cause I like it
I will say this though. to defend religion over science. I went to medugorie, was present for an apparition, and left. When we returned home from medugorie, my parents had a rosary (for those who don't know what it is... catholic prayed beads). During praying with it, it just started smelling of roses. though there are rosary that do smell of roses because they're made of wood and soaked in rose petal oil, this roasary is made of plastic and metal. We looked online everywhere for "plastic rosary..... smells like roses" and to no avail... there was none.... Let science prove that one and I'll be impressed