God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Vishnu And Your Patient

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I feel sad that anyone would place so much trust in just mere humans.
My honest reply to this without censoring myself is that I feel sorry for people who believe is nonexistant beings claimed to exist since the bronze age. These so called higher powers do little for me. I think its more than reasonable to see and love amazing things without feeling the need to attribute them to a higher power.

We acclaim that it is all scientific when in reality it is just a gamble that we use the most current and recent one that has a higher number. The best medicine today maybe the most lethal one tomorrow. It's just a little game, what is popular today will be dangerous tommorrow until 10 years from now, and regain popularity again.
Science has proven the Earth to be more than 5 billion years old, the 3 rock gravitating around the sun and germs to cause disease. All of this contrasts claims made by various religions to this day. Just because we may switch between various medical protocols due to contrasting evidence doesn't make these ancient religions more believable. At least Science tries to examine and re-examine its beliefs.
Just a few millenia ago, the sun coming up in the morning, going across the sky, and setting in the evening was considered some sort of supernatural, unexplainable event. Now we use solar energy. Imagine if we had never invented the telescope and looked towards the sky... where would we be today? Fire was once considered supernatural, now we know how to make it, and how to control it if it should go out of control. Look at how many things we burn for energy. How many patients with psychosis or other mental disorders, or had just taken some mushrooms, were tortured and gruesomely killed because they were thought to be demonically possessed? How many children have died because their parents refused to go to a hospital and instead looked to prayer? How many parents have socially stunted their children for life by demonizing such natural processes as sex? The bottom line is that science slowly and gradually explains more of the universe and how things in it work while more and more aspects of religion slowly become mythology.

There is nothing that science can't explain... just things that it hasn't explained yet.
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I will note that there have been some miraculous healing that have occured in other parts of the world. As I noted in another thread, I am catholic and do believe in God and that he/she is a "Higher Power". I have heard from doctors in other countries that they some people have traveled to Medugorie (a place where a few (3 to be exact) see apparitions of the Blessed Mother. Now note, I'm not a doubter of God, and yes, I do believe in science as well, but when someone who has had cancer for a year and a half and has a prognosis to die by some of the best doctors in the world, goes to Medugorie and prays during an apparition, returns home, and is miraculously cured..... well then I say thats a gift from God.

But as I said, I believe in science and if something can be proven scientifically, then its true. but miraculous healings.... that's something that (I think) we'll never understand.

**on a side note.... not to thread-jack this one cause I like it

I will say this though. to defend religion over science. I went to medugorie, was present for an apparition, and left. When we returned home from medugorie, my parents had a rosary (for those who don't know what it is... catholic prayed beads). During praying with it, it just started smelling of roses. though there are rosary that do smell of roses because they're made of wood and soaked in rose petal oil, this roasary is made of plastic and metal. We looked online everywhere for "plastic rosary..... smells like roses" and to no avail... there was none.... Let science prove that one and I'll be impressed :P
I will note that there have been some miraculous healing that have occured in other parts of the world. As I noted in another thread, I am catholic and do believe in God and that he/she is a "Higher Power". I have heard from doctors in other countries that they some people have traveled to Medugorie (a place where a few (3 to be exact) see apparitions of the Blessed Mother. Now note, I'm not a doubter of God, and yes, I do believe in science as well, but when someone who has had cancer for a year and a half and has a prognosis to die by some of the best doctors in the world, goes to Medugorie and prays during an apparition, returns home, and is miraculously cured..... well then I say thats a gift from God.

But as I said, I believe in science and if something can be proven scientifically, then its true. but miraculous healings.... that's something that (I think) we'll never understand.

**on a side note.... not to thread-jack this one cause I like it

I will say this though. to defend religion over science. I went to medugorie, was present for an apparition, and left. When we returned home from medugorie, my parents had a rosary (for those who don't know what it is... catholic prayed beads). During praying with it, it just started smelling of roses. though there are rosary that do smell of roses because they're made of wood and soaked in rose petal oil, this roasary is made of plastic and metal. We looked online everywhere for "plastic rosary..... smells like roses" and to no avail... there was none.... Let science prove that one and I'll be impressed :P

It could very well be a trick of the mind. When you look at optical illusions do you believe what you are seeing is actually how you are seeing it? Same concept.

Power of suggestion can also play tricks on your mind.
a...Why have you made this?...g
g...all productive discussion.....a
e...just goes here to die...........s
It could very well be a trick of the mind. When you look at optical illusions do you believe what you are seeing is actually how you are seeing it? Same concept.

Power of suggestion can also play tricks on your mind.

idk man, optical illusions are one thing. but sense of smell.... thats pretty hard to confuse. and for it to spontaneously happen.... as in.... outta the blue. I've never heard of any optical illusions that havent worked that magically start working.
This conversation is evidence enough for me of a higher power. I think I'm going to like it here.

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Dr. Wayne Dyer
My personal belief was actually stated quite well on an episode of House (just stating for the record, yes, it was what I was thinking before watching House, the show isn't my gospel). "I find it more comforting to believe that all this isn't simply a test." Then adding on my portion, I believe that what we do here, matters here. Just because we can't explain why some tumors simply disappear now, doesn't mean we won't be able to later. They didn't know how DNA actually worked or what it was back when Mendel was doing his experiments, but we could see the effects it had on living organisms. It takes time to develop equipment and methods to thoroughly prove or disprove a theory. Take String Theory/M Theory for an example. That is wayyyyyyy beyond our ability to prove or disprove right now, but, in 100 years, who knows what kind of technology and understanding we might have then. Granted, it is pretty easy to just write something off as either one of life's mysteries or the powers of some almighty being. But then again, I haven't really seen much proof of one either. I'm just a kid though, so what do I know anyway :P
A relaxed confident patient does better.

Faith can promote that. Or, it can terrify folks who think they are doomed to perdition.
Religion (versus faith) can furnish social support.
However, if treatment is delayed or hampered by faith or religion, then, no.
Show me how to make something out of nothing... and then explain to me how the entire world, the oceans, the universe, and every single life form.... in all its sophistication.... was made from nothing... I dont buy that just by some mere 1,00304050,0505684904.4040400506,494956996054 in 1 chance this world and life was created by chance... at the right split second the right chemicals came together and created all that we are... or wait... there were no chemicals present in the beginning... there was nothing... so what collided to burst life into existence?

Its easy to believe in what is tangible and you can put your hands on and gaze ur eyes onto. Faith on the other hand takes discipline, heart, and trust which is where the power of faith comes from... faith requires sacrifice and in return gains reward.

I've noticed there is a large number of those in science and medicine who are atheist. Being in medicine reaffirms my believe that there is a GOD and grateful there is something better than the tragedy, pain, hurt, and death I see. For it to all just go black would make life a real waste.

God uses people to do his work, uses their hands, minds, and talents he grants to them to heal and comfort.

This all is in response to previous posts and my personal stance.
Show me how to make something out of nothing... and then explain to me how the entire world, the oceans, the universe, and every single life form.... in all its sophistication.... was made from nothing... I dont buy that just by some mere 1,00304050,0505684904.4040400506,494956996054 in 1 chance this world and life was created by chance... at the right split second the right chemicals came together and created all that we are... or wait... there were no chemicals present in the beginning... there was nothing... so what collided to burst life into existence?

Its easy to believe in what is tangible and you can put your hands on and gaze ur eyes onto. Faith on the other hand takes discipline, heart, and trust which is where the power of faith comes from... faith requires sacrifice and in return gains reward.

I've noticed there is a large number of those in science and medicine who are atheist. Being in medicine reaffirms my believe that there is a GOD and grateful there is something better than the tragedy, pain, hurt, and death I see. For it to all just go black would make life a real waste.

God uses people to do his work, uses their hands, minds, and talents he grants to them to heal and comfort.

This all is in response to previous posts and my personal stance.

So you'd rather believe in a magical higher power than a rational, explained and tangible answer? You would rather believe in that than chance? Just think of it as a lotto. One in a million but the circumstances were right.

Where did he/she/it come from? What were they doing before, and how did they get established?
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Show me how to make something out of nothing... and then explain to me how the entire world, the oceans, the universe, and every single life form.... in all its sophistication.... was made from nothing... I dont buy that just by some mere 1,00304050,0505684904.4040400506,494956996054 in 1 chance this world and life was created by chance... at the right split second the right chemicals came together and created all that we are... or wait... there were no chemicals present in the beginning... there was nothing... so what collided to burst life into existence?

Its easy to believe in what is tangible and you can put your hands on and gaze ur eyes onto. Faith on the other hand takes discipline, heart, and trust which is where the power of faith comes from... faith requires sacrifice and in return gains reward.

I've noticed there is a large number of those in science and medicine who are atheist. Being in medicine reaffirms my believe that there is a GOD and grateful there is something better than the tragedy, pain, hurt, and death I see. For it to all just go black would make life a real waste.

God uses people to do his work, uses their hands, minds, and talents he grants to them to heal and comfort.

This all is in response to previous posts and my personal stance.

That statement works for both sides
Not to split hairs, but I happen to find it incredibly fascinating, and hence my *love* for science. Which I suppose would be akin to some believers' love for God.

But... you can make something from nothing. Scientists are able to create a universe in a laboratory -- one that continually expands, as ours is expanding now, *without ever* impinging on our 3-dimensional space. It's what the Large Hadron Collider is for, in seeking the 'God Particle.' M-Theory and String Theory are extremely elegant and beautiful. Even though I don't believe in God, I can recognize beauty in the Universe. Many would say that this is compatible with a belief in God, but I will resign judgment either way on that matter.
To preface, I believe in the Bible as being God's spoken word left for us to follow throughout this time period until the return of his son Jesus Christ.

To answer your question....
I keep things in perspective... we are mere human and when compared to God, we are much less intellectually. How can I or any other human being be smarter than the designer and creator of life? God is on an intellectual level so high and so much greater that we can never, ever begin to realize this vastness and some things we will never, ever be able to explain.... such as who was before God.

I've asked myself that question and pondered it and it used to give me a headache honestly...lol... until I've realized there was nothing before God... God always was.... I have no idea how this can be... but I realize my rational is based on the concept that everything must have a beginning and an end which is just human thinking... just because something cannot be explained does not mean it cannot be. God tests our faithfulness by FAITH.

Read the book of Revelation and look at the world around you. Ask yourself if what is written in Revelation isn't taking place verbatim right in front of your eyes. The Bible isnt a story book of fiction.
To preface, I believe in the Bible as being God's spoken word left for us to follow throughout this time period until the return of his son Jesus Christ.

To answer your question....
I keep things in perspective... we are mere human and when compared to God, we are much less intellectually. How can I or any other human being be smarter than the designer and creator of life? God is on an intellectual level so high and so much greater that we can never, ever begin to realize this vastness and some things we will never, ever be able to explain.... such as who was before God.

I've asked myself that question and pondered it and it used to give me a headache honestly...lol... until I've realized there was nothing before God... God always was.... I have no idea how this can be... but I realize my rational is based on the concept that everything must have a beginning and an end which is just human thinking... just because something cannot be explained does not mean it cannot be. God tests our faithfulness by FAITH.

Read the book of Revelation and look at the world around you. Ask yourself if what is written in Revelation isn't taking place verbatim right in front of your eyes. The Bible isnt a story book of fiction.

I disagree! God simply couldn't have always been. There had to be some way for him to get created.

I think the bible is fiction, it has be rewritten and translated countless times and was written by men who claimed to talk to God with no proof that they in fact did... We call those people schizophrenics now days!

If there really is a God, why is he not apparent in hard tangible evidence to everyone?

And who is to say it's even God? Why not Zeus or Venus or Anubis?
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You asked so I answered... Im not trying to convince... every person has to find out for themselves... one way or another.

If there really is a God, why is he not apparent in hard tangible evidence to everyone?

He is... I see him every day I walk outside and see this world and think what an awesome body he designed. God loves... he does not force you... which is why people have the option to follow or not. This is where FAITH comes in.... it takes much greater love in a persons heart to believe in what they cannot see than what they can.

Would you trust me to navigate you blindfolded in a room full of holes in the floor without knowing ne thing about me? Or would you just standstill and not budge because of your fear of falling?

Or, would you trust someone you love with all your heart and soul who you know will not fail you or let ne thing happen to you, to get you around the holes and to the other side all while blindfolded?

This is faith... to walk blindly without seeing but to love, trust, and hope. If you can do this, you will make it to the other side. If you cannot, you will standstill and remain in that same spot.
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If I ever converted it would probably be to Pastafarian!

Well, I thought this would be an interesting topic but, it looks like it's just turned into a God bashing thread.
Science contradicts itself.

Science says you can't make something out of nothing, and that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, yet the "Big Bang" theory is widely accepted.

Choose one or the other science! Can't play both sides of the fence!
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