Getting a Flu Shot?

I've gotten it every year for hte past five. A few years I have been sick with other illnesses, not necessarily the flu. I figure that I owe it to my health, that of the patients that I might come into contact with, not to mention colleagues at work. It's just a smart thing to do:excl:
Our heroic RF4C pilots used to dodge flu shots

because they were DNF (do not fly) for twenty four hours. We would set up and catch them at the officers' club. TOUCHE', mon Ami!
Nope. Never do.

Only time I ever did was when I was in the Army and they lined us all up and walked us through the shot line.

The Guy Giving the Shot... "Are you allergic to eggs?"
Person getting the Shot... " Nope. "

The Guy Giving the Shot... "Any chance your pregnant?" (funny thing about this question, it was asked of both men and women.... gotta love a script!)

at this point he gave the shot.... Before getting the answer.

In this case... ME... "Yep."

The Guy Giving the Shot.... "Ooops. Well good luck with that. Keep moving."
I've gotten the injection last two years without getting ill. Should be getting this year's shortly.
I usually get the shot... I've got to talk to my doc about getting one this year... because I won't be around to get the free one at the vollie squad the night they are doing it.
I don't work EMS (yet), but my current employer provides us with flu shots every year so I get one.....what a perk.......<_<
Definitley getting a flu shot. Kept me from being sick last year.
I have asthma, so the flu can be life threatening for me. Trust me, it's not pretty.

Does the shot get me sick? Yeah, sometimes I feel sick for the next few days, but if I get sick sick, then I'll be really hurting, so I suck it up and take it.

Plus it's free through my college.
I've already been Dx'd with the flu TWICE since the start of September. I hope I'm done with it for the year.

That said, I won't be getting the shot for a couple of reasons: It probably won't cover the strain I'll get (just bad luck) and I really dont feel like using my precious time off to drive a good 45-60 minutes to the clinic my service sends us to in order to get the shot.
I will get my flu shot cause one my service will provide it, and two it might just help me to stay away from the doctor and money in my wallet.
32 years old and have never had the flu. I have also never had a flu shot of any kind. Almost every person I know that gets the shot, gets the flu.

Sure I have had the "stomach flu" and normally get that once a year but it's not even remotely related. So the way I look at it, "if it ain't broke, dont fix it"

I don't immunize myself for my patients, I do it for myself. Selfish sounding? Sure it is.....
The one and only time I had the flu shot I was sick as a dog more so than if I just had the regular flu. I always make sure that the kids get one though. they have always done well with them. But for me I will take regular flu over the shot anyday. I usually dont get to sick very often to begin with (knock on wood)
We have two options, get the shot, or sign a declination form saying that if we miss work with "flu-like" symptoms then we cannot get PTO time for it as we refused the flu shot.

So if you get the shot and then call out... Do you get PTO?