Gay in EMS?

Then I'm obviously referring to a driver without a passenger. I'm afraid you're missing the point of victimless crimes. If someone chooses to destroy their body with copious amounts of drugs every day, that's their prerogative. However, the second they decide to go driving while high, they are no longer the only person at risk.

Now, in countries with socialized medicine, the argument can be made that all matters pertaining to bodily harm have victims because every citizen shares the cost of healthcare, but that's not the case with America... yet.

Actually everyone pays. The average traumatic brain injury patient that survives costs a little over $5.2 million for their first average seven years. Now, do whom do you think pays for this when over half of America is uninsured or better yet, nearly all medical policies are maxed out at a million dollars. This is not also considering no job, no income, extra assistance on medical care at home, food, specialty devices, etc. and so on.

As a ER manager I can assure you the costs is shared by all. The reason band aids are $6.00 a piece is because over 70% of the customers in the ER will not pay for their bill, so guess who gets to pay for it? .... YOU!

Why do you think Morphine costs $25 an injection when it only costs 75 cents from the pharmacy? ... No, because such a mark up, but rather to re-coop the losses...

I personally believe if they want to not wear a seat-belt or helmet, etc. then they can sign a waiver, but if they are in a accident they receive no insurance or receive medical care up to what they can afford. The rest is on their own.. as well no government benefits. They had a choice.. (of course this was satire).

R/r 911
This is not directed to one particular person but in general. I have seen many posts about homosexuality in other EMS forums. Ironically, it is usually always started by someone proclaiming such lifestyles. Again, alike publicity, the parades, or even open discussion; I wonder why even asking if you want to be treated as an equal?

I and others do not ask if one has a problem being straight ... or have a straight parades to announce our sexuality, or have symbols to alert or inform others? I just find it curious that many would acclaim that they want to be acknowledge as the norm.. when majority of people do not participate or even discuss such events on a daily basis.

Sometimes I feel it is that some want attention for their lifestyle, when in fact most (alike myself) could care less.

Again, another curious moment..

R/r 911
This is not directed to one particular person but in general. I have seen many posts about homosexuality in other EMS forums. Ironically, it is usually always started by someone proclaiming such lifestyles. Again, alike publicity, the parades, or even open discussion; I wonder why even asking if you want to be treated as an equal?

I and others do not ask if one has a problem being straight ... or have a straight parades to announce our sexuality, or have symbols to alert or inform others? I just find it curious that many would acclaim that they want to be acknowledge as the norm.. when majority of people do not participate or even discuss such events on a daily basis.

Sometimes I feel it is that some want attention for their lifestyle, when in fact most (alike myself) could care less.

Again, another curious moment..

R/r 911

There are not straight parades, but then the straight people are able to sit next to each other watching any parade, able to hold hands, snuggle together or even place their arms over their partners' shoulders. A luxury not afforded to those of different sexual orientations.

There are many symbols of 'straightness' that are open in our society, from the license plate holders announcing that 'Joanie loves Chachi', to the photo frames designed to hold the wedding photos on your desk at work, to a complete section in the greeting card bin 'to my husband' or 'to my wife'.

Those of us who's choice in partner runs along more socially acceptable lines are blissfully unaware of the multitude of little ways in which the homosexual community is denied the simple expression of the love/affection they feel for their partner. There's not enough love and respect between people in this world in my opinion for us to deny a part of humanity the right to openly express theirs.
There's not enough love and respect between people in this world in my opinion for us to deny a part of humanity the right to openly express theirs.

Statements and opinions like that can cause a slippery slope.. many unapproved type of sick relationships (pedophile, incest, bestiality) have acclaimed the same reason, albeit it very offensive in almost all cultures, this is the reason they describe as it should too be legalized and accepted.

When I went through criminal investigation and SANE courses, this is the explanation most organizations use. Yes, it is w-a-y out of context, but they still attempt to compare.

R/r 911
There are not straight parades, but then the straight people are able to sit next to each other watching any parade, able to hold hands, snuggle together or even place their arms over their partners' shoulders. A luxury not afforded to those of different sexual orientations.

There are many symbols of 'straightness' that are open in our society, from the license plate holders announcing that 'Joanie loves Chachi', to the photo frames designed to hold the wedding photos on your desk at work, to a complete section in the greeting card bin 'to my husband' or 'to my wife'.

Those of us who's choice in partner runs along more socially acceptable lines are blissfully unaware of the multitude of little ways in which the homosexual community is denied the simple expression of the love/affection they feel for their partner. There's not enough love and respect between people in this world in my opinion for us to deny a part of humanity the right to openly express theirs.

Why can they not do it(placing arms and showing public affection), is it our fault they feel ashamed, or even feel scared, it is their lifestyle let them live the way they want, if they want to feel ashamed because people will not accept them thats is no ones fault but their own, do they not have a backbone to present them selves the way THEY want, and those who don't its their own problem.
As for the license plates, and the t-shirts and any other possible thing you can think of, how are they denied that right, or ashamed of that right, did license plate manfuactors across the world say they will not print that, or the kiosks that make shirts that say,"I love so and so" did they refuse them service, no.
Frankly, its their own fault if they can't be as open as straight people. and secondly didn't this start off as Gay in EMS?
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and secondly didn't this start off as Gay in EMS?

Yes it did.

Theres a reason....

Why can they not do it(placing arms and showing public affection), is it our fault they feel ashamed, or even feel scared, it is their lifestyle let them live the way they want, if they want to feel ashamed because people will not accept them thats is no ones fault but their own, do they not have a backbone to present them selves the way THEY want, and those who don't its their own problem.
As for the license plates, and the t-shirts and any other possible thing you can think of, how are they denied that right, or ashamed of that right, did license plate manfuactors across the world say they will not print that, or the kiosks that make shirts that say,"I love so and so" did they refuse them service, no.
Frankly, its their own fault if they can't be as open as straight people. and secondly didn't this start off as Gay in EMS?

I've been sitting back on the sidelines for most of this conversation, and I see where the dialogue is going at this point. While I agree that people should just live their lives, I have to point out a few key points here. In many parts of the country it is IMPOSSIBLE for "us" to live out our lives, due to violence against gays, institutionalized homophobia (anti-sodomy laws, lack of laws prohibiting firing on the basis of sexual orientation, etc.), and the fear of such radical elements as the Westboro Baptist Church.
In America, there's still a lot of societal baggage in dealing with homosexuality, not the least of which is the widespread use of the term "gay" to describe something un-cool or weird. Suicide rates in homosexual teens is four times higher than the national average, and of those teens that survive their attempt, almost all of them report "not being able to cope" with societal stigma, parental rejection, or being a pariah as the primary motivation behind their attempt. In short - there are a lot of reasons why its more difficult for gays in America. Personally, I believe that taking the same non-violent approach as the civil rights movement is the right thing to do here - visibility breeds familiarity, which in turn breeds acceptance.

Now, can we all get back to the EMS front?
Statements and opinions like that can cause a slippery slope.. many unapproved type of sick relationships (pedophile, incest, bestiality) have acclaimed the same reason, albeit it very offensive in almost all cultures, this is the reason they describe as it should too be legalized and accepted.

When I went through criminal investigation and SANE courses, this is the explanation most organizations use. Yes, it is w-a-y out of context, but they still attempt to compare.

R/r 911

Thats not a fair comparison for a single solid reason. Legit gay couples are comprised of two unrelated persons whom affectionately and consensually love each other. Read that carefully. It does not apply to incest, pedophiles, or bestiality. A healthy gay couple encompasses all I have just mentioned, and we strive to make it our standard.

I also stand by my original comments on gays and EMS. Read the professional organization's stances (APA, AMA), live up to your role as a medical professional, and treat your partners and co workers with respect, and if you happen to be gay yourself, treat your co workers with respect just as they should you.
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I and others do not ask if one has a problem being straight ... or have a straight parades to announce our sexuality, or have symbols to alert or inform others? I just find it curious that many would acclaim that they want to be acknowledge as the norm.. when majority of people do not participate or even discuss such events on a daily basis.

Sometimes I feel it is that some want attention for their lifestyle, when in fact most (alike myself) could care less.

Again, another curious moment..

R/r 911

Your basing your views of the gay people in general on the media exposure of a few. You think gays are all about "parades", and little symbols, and rainbow flags? If this is the case ( which Im sure you are going to stand right back up on your soap box like you always do) and say thats not what you meant. I support gay pride parades. As long as my rights are not equal to yours, they can have a parade. And that goes for anyone. Its not about marching aroung pressing our sexuality on you. Thats the kind of biggoted attitude that holds this country back. You had immigrant ancestors into this country at some point, and they too were discriminated against for being different.

And dont sit here and play the "I dont care, no one cares card" Bull S&^%$ ! Every last sylabal of it is assenine. You do care, If you didnt youd be standing in line to sign petitions for equal rights with everyone else. Do not hide behind the "that's the way I was brought up" card, or the religion card. Everyone is responsible for there own actions, and words. PERIOD! not your upbringing, what your minister tells you to think and say. No one but US can tell ourselves what to think and do. Thats what makes us different from the animals, although some of us act like neanderthals and animals.

For those of you who keep saying you don't care. Why are you sitting here defending yourselves?
And that's enough of this topic....

It was a discussion about being gay in EMS, not on the homosexual lifestyle.

Out in EMS.

So I know that this is a "controversial" topic on this forum (It shouldn't be.)but after reading some older posts and more recent ones as well I wanted to begin this discussion. I am a 34 year old EMT-I student. I struggled for a long time to come to terms with being gay. So here is the question. What experiences have you all had in the field with working with "OUT" coworkers? I am NOT asking for your opinions on wheather or not being gay is right or wrong I am just asking about your own personal experience (if any) GOOD OR BAD. I have read some post that I would perceive as being negative in relation to homosexuallity and wanted to get an impression about what I can expect when entering the field. My experience so far (in class) has been very positive but I have already been in several situations where guys have talked about a certain girl or noticed a girl walking by...or pointed out a particular part of a girls anatomy etc etc etc (This has been a little uncomfortable). I do feel a little out of place with all the testosterone filled guys around. Personally I won't lie to someone who asks me about my sexuallity but I don't necessarily offer the information either unless a situation requires it. I won't ever go back into the closet but I'm not an "in-your-face about who I'm sleeping with" kinda guy. That said, I am proud of who I am...I love being gay. It does somewhat define many aspects of my life. the risk of beginning a firestorm thread...What are your thoughts? Let's keep it friendly Mkay?

Las Vegas
EMT Student
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as i have said more times than i can count, i dont care whether my partner is male female gay straight fat thin young old black white or purple, if they can do the job then its all good.

i have worked with several homosexuals. some were open about it, some werent. i honestly didnt care. but you will run into problems with ignorant bigots who cant handle working in such close quarters with you. i have nothing to offer you in that regard since i never had a problem with it and have never experienced it from your side. good luck though...
There has been prior discussion on this and I thought it was very positive. I have the same feeling as KEVD18. I just don't care, as long as you can do your job.

I have worked with several openly gay partners, male and female. I have never had a problem with it and get along great with all of them. Yes, you will find some backwoods good Ol'boys that can't handle it. If you are working in bigger cities, I don't think you would have a problem.

I'm sure you have dealt with this before. I would feel out the people you work with and decide for yourself if you want to tell them. To me, what you do in your off time is none of my business.
KEVD18 said:
as i have said more times than i can count, i dont care whether my partner is male female gay straight fat thin young old black white or purple, if they can do the job then its all good.
That's exactly it. It doesn't matter to me, as long as they can do their job then everything is all good. I've never let any of that become a problem. If someone isn't doing their job right we will have a talk. It's not because of their race or sexual preference, it's because they aren't doing their job right.
As far as my personal experience.. I have worked with a few people who are openly gay and everything was all good.
I also agree, it doesn’t matter. I have worked with a few openly gay people over the years and it is no different then working with anybody else. Sometimes you get along with coworkers and sometimes you don’t. As you mentioned, you’re not an in-your-face kind of a person and most people don’t like religion, politics, etc. pushed on them so I don’t feel you will have a problem with most people. Just focus on the work and show respect for your coworkers and hopefully they will do the same.
I've had homosexual partners who I had a blast working with as well as homosexual partners that I absolutely despised working with. Their sexuality does not, and should not, play a role in a work relationship.
I asked a very similar question about a month or so ago, and got some pretty positive responses. In Washington DC, where I'm based, its a complete non-issue. Excluding myself, I know about a dozen openly gay EMTs and Paramedics working, who say that it shouldn't be a problem. As long as you dont act like the stereotypical "screaming" Jack McFarland, I think you'll be ok dude. Hope this helps!
Why do we have to keep repeating the same thing? .. Is there some validation one is looking for? Again & again, majority of the people in EMS really don't give a darn as long as you keep it to yourself.. straight or gay!

R/r 911
Why do we have to keep repeating the same thing? R/r 911

1) people cant or refuse to search the archives.

2) the people that can search also feel that their lights/stethoscope/tattoo/sexuality/etc situation is so vastly unique so as to warrant a new thread regardless of the amount of identical threads already in existence.

3) the "community leaders" refuse to do anything about it.

did i miss anything????
as i have said more times than i can count, i dont care whether my partner is male female gay straight fat thin young old black white or purple, if they can do the job then its all good.

i have worked with several homosexuals. some were open about it, some werent. i honestly didn't care. but you will run into problems with ignorant bigots who cant handle working in such close quarters with you. i have nothing to offer you in that regard since i never had a problem with it and have never experienced it from your side. good luck though...

Yep, I too have said I could care less but I do care what your skill level is....
Black, white, male, female, straight or gay I honestly could care less....

Are you good at what you do? I'm all about top notch skills....