Wow, you sound like a real jerk.
I'm not saying female ambulance officers are not respected; I am curious as to what is the motivation behind the passing looks or comments of some of the public when a double female crew turns up that is only given to female ambulance officers and not female police or firefighters or doctors (in my experience). As Chase said, the same is given to male nurses as several of my friends are male nurses and they say the same thing, some people give you a look or a comment, in the ambulance service it seems to be predominantly older people, older females especially,
I am not talking about professional relationships between crews; I have had or seen or heard of any problems between male and female ambos but rather my interest lies with the public at large.
Wow, thanks for that considering you don't know me.
I don't know how I am a jerk for stating the obvious. However the more I read your posts I am beginning to get a better picture of the real issue which seems to be you have the problem.
I have been a police officer (hence the LEO in my SN) and worked with some fine women cops. As an EMT I have been fortunate enough to work with some very intelligent and capable females. Every one of us whether male or female had to go through the same physical agility test. The test doesn't come in blue for boys and pink for girls.
Other than seeing a few drunks try to flirt with my partners, I have never seen any issues with female EMT's. I don't see it with the fire department, nor do I see it at the hospital.
There will always be jerks out there. I recently had a patient who was drunk and pregnant and she hated men. My female partner had no problems when she was teching the patient. But when I would move the stretcher I got a slew of insults and "don't drop me". Did it bother me? No.
I am not in this job to make patients happy. I am here to get them to the help they need. If they don't like my female partner then oh well so be it.
Several members of this board who are female have posted. You seem to be the only one that is letting this issue be a problem. If you can't handle people making comments because your female then maybe your too sensitive for this career.
Females are here to stay and I don't see a problem with it.