FDNY EMS Candidates

Hey Rory I know we can look back and see this question answered already, however would you mind explaining what an outstanding and not outstanding means I wanna hear your input if it’s not to much for you to simply type it? If you do mind and it’s such a huge issue than you can disregard will look what others have said.

This thread is a good reminder of what is wrong with a lot of EMS people. Instead of actually being of help, he actually logs in to tell someone to read all 540+ pages of a thread that spans years instead of just saying what he knows. And these are the types of people that are applying for a job where it is your duty to help.

I have been on this forum for a few years now and let me just say that I have been one of many that have helped on this board. only to get smart a$$ remarks and attitude when answering many questions. so that is why many of us in FDNY EMS just have opt to stay out of it.

But here is the answer about the outstanding Not outstanding means.

"Not on an Outstanding Certification means: You are now found eligible for hiring when your list number is reached.

"Outstanding Certification means: Your credentials and qualifications are under review to deem you eligible for hiring.

So when you see that your number was passed over this is usually the reason why.


Have questions inbox me if I can help.
Sorry if this has been asked already I couldnt find a similar situation. Im filling out the paper work for my intake interview, for the traffic conviction record how far back do they want? Im 23 now, i know for a fact I got a ticket when I was 18. I couldnt even tell you the month it was in, i dont recall any of the details just that it was for speeding, so I bought the abstract driving record and nothings on there, it only goes back 3 years. Dont want to leave it blank and it look like im hiding something if they need a more in depth driving record then the abstract. Thanks in advance.
Sorry if this has been asked already I couldnt find a similar situation. Im filling out the paper work for my intake interview, for the traffic conviction record how far back do they want? Im 23 now, i know for a fact I got a ticket when I was 18. I couldnt even tell you the month it was in, i dont recall any of the details just that it was for speeding, so I bought the abstract driving record and nothings on there, it only goes back 3 years. Dont want to leave it blank and it look like im hiding something if they need a more in depth driving record then the abstract. Thanks in advance.
You can mention and just put the year, they will get your abstract too. No worries.
Good morning brothers and sisters,

Anyone else at Metrotech this morning for intake?
Little word of advice, stop calling your investigator and bothering them. If they need anything or have questions, they will get in touch with you. It’s been said many times on this thread, it’s a long process and you need to be patient.
I'm trying to transfer from Nassau to FDNY and have not heard from my investigator
Exam #7000 List #506
Went for interviews physicals physiologica and then never got called

Metrotech 100 times. No one will return my calls. What do I do
Hi all,

I got my letter in the mail today for the physical, although ive been going to the gym, im not where I want to be weight wise. What is the requirements or standards FD goes by?
Hey guys,

Just found out I didn’t pass my physical agility test the only one I didn’t pass was the arm lift .
Does anyone know how much I should lift to pass it for next time? I have 3 months until I go back for the retake and I want to prepare myself. Thanks!
Does any know what is brought daily to the academy?
Is it enough stuff to fill a normal backpack or a large duffel bag?

i only ask because my car is currently out of commission
I'm trying to transfer from Nassau to FDNY and have not heard from my investigator
if you don't mind me asking, why? I have heard that getting hired by nassau county (I believe they are police based) is like hitting the lottery in terms of pay and conditions, at least compared to other EMS jobs in the area. What is your reasoning for looking to transfer to FDNY?
Does any know what is brought daily to the academy?
Is it enough stuff to fill a normal backpack or a large duffel bag?

i only ask because my car is currently out of commission
You’re not allowed to bring a backpack during the academy. Only an unbranded Black duffle bag that has to be a specific size. They sell it at quartermast and you can buy it when you go to get your uniform before orientation
You’re not allowed to bring a backpack during the academy. Only an unbranded Black duffle bag that has to be a specific size. They sell it at quartermast and you can buy it when you go to get your uniform before orientation

Thank you
My buddy recieved a letter from fdny Human Resources saying “you were considered and not selected for appointment and promotion to three seperate vacancies. Such ineligibility is only for the above named agency. Therefore you can be recertified to that agency only upon that agency’s request” anyone know what that means ? And how to go about it?
Got the letter for my medical/psych today and am wondering if someone can answer a question regarding the BMI. Im 5’11 and 3 quarters. Does anyone recall if they round down, up, or give you a specific weight in between inches in regards to the bmi chart? Im right in between 220-225 and would like to make sure im sub 220 if they are going to round me down to avoid a reweigh over a few pounds. Probably going to shed a few regardless to be safe but more curious then anything else. Thanks in advance
Got the letter for my medical/psych today and am wondering if someone can answer a question regarding the BMI. Im 5’11 and 3 quarters. Does anyone recall if they round down, up, or give you a specific weight in between inches in regards to the bmi chart? Im right in between 220-225 and would like to make sure im sub 220 if they are going to round me down to avoid a reweigh over a few pounds. Probably going to shed a few regardless to be safe but more curious then anything else. Thanks in advance
They will only let you be 20% above your BMI . If you’re 5’11 , you’re 20% is 220.8. If you’re 6’0 it’s 225.6 So if you’re 225 they will give u 30 days to loose the 5 lbs. If u end up loosing the 5lbs before the 30 days are up , u can go back before your 30 days are up.
I know it is a ways away but does anyone have an idea of a tentative date/week of the start for October academy? I have a vacation planned for the end of September and I am afraid of cell service and answering the call as well as handling paperwork that they send.