Faith to stay ok


You're stuck w/ me now (insert evil laughter here)
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I don't care what your spiritual affiliation is, but does faith play a part in what keeps you going other than the love of helping others, etc.
Negative ghostrider
I've pretty much found that EMS is anti-faith.

I have faith, but doesn't motivate my job
Nope. In fact if I had any before, EMS likely took it away.
Does faith play a role in the garbage man's life every day motivating him to promote a cleaner world?

Does faith keep that dog catcher, that pothole filler, the ditch digger or the roadside construction flagman performing day after day...knowing they are making a difference in everyone's lives and making the world a better place? (Arguably they safely influence/touch far more people lives on a daily basis than we lone EMS workers).

I could list a dozen high level, high power positions and a dozen equally "lower perceived/under appreciated" positions...but the fact will remain that faith is not a driving force in any of them, is not required to perform them, however within that job there will be those who say yes and those who say no.

Your original post to me is indicative of one of the many problems inherent within EMS and that is elevating our jobs unjustifiably to "a calling" or anything along those lines of thinking. This thinking reeks of judgement as it implies anything NOT within our field is much less and not comparable in status or worthiness of respect. "We do so much for so little, family/friends/public just do not understand..." all a load of BS. We do a job because it rewards US, the individual. It makes US feel good, it feeds our ego, it makes us just so happens that the work we perform has a more openly perceived value to everyone on outside but only because mostly they themselves are too scared, intimidated or repulsed by some of the qualities we posses which allows us to perform our work. On the flip side...THEY have jobs which contribute great value too and I lack the qualities to do THEIR work.
Faith does not seem to drive me to do the job itself, maybe it influences how I perform it by holding me to a standard other than my own, as it would with any other job.
Nope. I am happy that I have the ability to perform in an environment that others cannot but I honestly couldn't perform in other environments that people operate in every day. I was thinking about these guys I saw repairing high-voltage power lines yesterday and how I could never do that, too scared of heights plus I have no idea how to use real tools.

Like @akflightmedic said this is just a job for me but others see it as this special thing. Its actually embarrassing to talk to some people about it to the point that I have told people I work in the delivery business. My wife has been coached into telling people I work in healthcare.
Ok- just curious about your opinions. :)
Faith is scary to me, in the fact that so many highly intelligent people suddenly refuse to listen to fact and choose blind faith over it. I am deeply suspicious of anyone who believes a magic man in the sky

I do it because I have hellacious adhd and sitting in an office would literally drive me insane...

Oh and bills.

I enjoy the skills, knowledge, and environment that encompass emergency medicine, and make it a point to make somebody's day a bit better than it was before I met them. And I just so happen to get paid to combine those things.

I'm not really sure of the rules regarding religious discussion here so I won't dive into it, but there is definitely an "it depends" answer. I don't think it is wrong for someone to get on the truck every 3rd morning because their spiritual beliefs call for it, as long as they do their job. As mentioned, if that is what drives you, so be it. In someone who is truly religious, I see no difference in the drive to better themselves and the drive to serve their beliefs.

I've got a question cooking, but would like admin insight on rules first. I've just never seen a thread like this in my short time here.
It was just a generalized question. Like I said, no matter what faith (you can have faith in a coffee table if you wish). I was just generally curious. But you guys are probably right- I'm not experienced, and I guess you get into that "job mode" and just do what you need to do and move on, right?
Whatever gets you through the night. I used to be a pretty combative atheist until I discovered my own sense of spirituality. Now I find people who profess a problem with spirituality/religion just as inane as the devout*.

*big difference between spirituality and corrupt organized religious organizations.