I am in New York State. My agency (rural volunteer FD Ambulance) does its own in-house EVOC training.
I am an instructor for these courses through two insurance companies(VFIS and ESIP).
I would suggest you find out if you need an in-person course or an online course. The online EVOC courses are similar to an online defensive driving course for ambulances. The in-person training has all of that, information on state laws, detailed vehicle handling and response information and a vehicle competency course ("Cone Course")to demonstrate driving proficiency based on NFPA standards. I recommend that before a student takes the "Cone Course" that they have a number of hours of experience driving the ambulance. That way the student is familiar with all the vehicle controls and the handling characteristics of the vehicle. Sometimes an over the road evaluation is added also.
There is online training available( for a price) from the National Safety Council:
Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator programs for ambulance drivers and fire apparatus operators are interactive, comprehensive and true to life. Offered in classroom or online formats, drivers will learn to arrive safely, examine traffic patterns while under stress, analyze reaction to...
That said, an online certificate might not be what that company is looking for. Ask.
Since you said the company you applied to is smaller, you might want to consider applying to a larger company that can provide the training. You also might look into if there are volunteer EMS agencies or volunteer Fire Departments that run an ambulance in your area that you could join and get EVOC as part of the on-boarding process.
Good luck in your endeavor, we need more emergency responders nationally. I congratulate you for wanting to be part of the solution. Be safe