EMT-B class-what to wear?

When I went thru the EMT-b program here, we didn't have to wear our uniforms to class, just clinical & ride time. Now that I have come back and instruct from time to time, uniforms are not required for lecture, but they are for Lab/skills days. Main reason: students seemed to have a misunderstanding of what "professional & appropriate" attire was for clinical..showing up in jeans, sweats , flip flops and saggy pants hanging off their butts, girls in tops that were inappropriate.

I have noticed from the days before uniforms, students have been behaving less obnoxiously, although there are always those one or 2 people. And they seem to concentrate in the task at hand and teamwork, rather than pulling their pants up every 20min, with that "wet diaper" look. Girls aren't tripping on their flip-flops either.

I think uniforms can be a good thing in moderation :)
In my basic class we had no required dress code for class time but for all of our clinical time we wore black bdus/boots/blue polo with school name and emt-b student logos. I start my medic classes on Tues and as far as I know there is no required dress code for class but we do have maroon polo's for clinical time and will probably wear black bdus and boots.
We were required to wear Black pants and a black/blue polo with no logos for our ride time.

On the uniform debate, I don't particulary think that it should be a uniform, but I think there should be certain dress code. I had this girl who came into class every day wearing a low cut shirt, and all the skeezies would obsess over her and not focus on the class. So no outfits that would make everyone think you're about to leave for your job at the strip club :P
all the skeezies would obsess over her and not focus on the class

That makes it easy: you get to fail them before they even get to touch a patient.
For my EMT program we had to wear a uniform that was given to us by the school (we had to pay for all of it tho). And we had people get kicked out of the program for not following the uniform rules. No beards, sideburns, clean shaven, no hair below the coller, no long fingernails, must be in all parts of the uniform at all times during class and ride outs, etc. There were alot and if we didn't follow the uniform rules we would be sent home and dropped from the program instantly.
Ok, since you concur with USAF's opinion, why do you care?

I don't care o.o... said that before... I just like uniforms, if you wanna dress up like a clown and come to class that way than go for it. More power to you.
Dress nicely the first day, and see what everyone else is wearing, including the instructor, and go from there. I'm sure a nice polo/button down and a nice pair if jeans/khakis will suffice

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So far, no idea what the dress code is. I'll let ya know in about three weeks. Fortunately, everyone in the class is already affiliated with an agency of somesort, so I would hope we all have some idea of how to dress.

Seeing as the class is @ our main station... I plan on wearing the normal station uniform.
(polo shirt-red for probies,blue for full, white for officers, blue pants, black socks, black boots)
We have casual dress for lectures and we have to wear our clinical uniform (blue EMS pants or bdu's black shoes and school embroidered shirt) for practicals.
I wonder why some classes mandate BDUs, bordering on uniforms. My class let you come wearing whatever you wanted. It was fine and things worked out well.
prob because they are close to EMS pants but much cheaper. They are also a thicker material and will protect some one better then say slacks while still looking professional.
after skipping the first 6 pages....
I wonder why some classes mandate BDUs, bordering on uniforms. My class let you come wearing whatever you wanted. It was fine and things worked out well.
agency t-shirt, and any type of pants for EMT class. courses held at the fire academy required long pants. I can recall many days when I went to EMT class in shorts and a t-shirt.

if your being paid to be there, standard uniform for your department, at least for the FD.

requiring a uniform for class is pretty stupid IMO, unless there is a functional reason to require it.

But if the course instructor requires it, do what is expected of you.