I looked at the 2014 REMAC protocols. They are restrictive compared to other areas like Wake Co. NC, just to give one example.
IDK if things have changed, but when I was a medic in the NYC 911 system from 2005-2007, we had to call to get permission to "jump" protocols if we needed to treat a patient with several things going on. Also, we were restricted to just the OLMC options listed after we run through the standing orders.
Here, our protocols are guidelines - we can give or withhold a medication/intervention so long as we can justify why, we can pull from several protocols at the same time when needed, we can call OLMC for anything within our scope appropriate for the pt, not just what's listed as options, and we have a lot more stuff as standing orders when compared to NYC REMAC. for example, we don't need to call to run Dopa, give additional benzos for Sz, repeat epi IM for the anaphylaxis or asthma (we can start an epi drip as well for anaphylaxis), our choice of fent or MS for pain mamagement, we have Ketamine for EDP's, we don't need to call for peds IV access for asthma, anaphylaxis or resp. arrest, CPAP is not resticted to just APE pts, and we also have the Lucas II, KingVision, and we can do field Cricothyrotomy, not just neede cric.
I feel that we have a lot more lattitude to do what we need to do, with less hassle, so long as we can give a good reason why we did what we did (or didn't do) afterwards.
The 2014 NYC REMAC protpcols are much better than what I had to make do with when I last worked in the system, but there are many other systems that have much more freedom.