ems sticker in your car window?

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Don't forget the antennae farm as well :P
Antenna farm??? This guys needs a fully loaded crown vic on 30 inch spinners with a spot light the auction company didnt remove that way the cops really now he means business.
I have a few stickers. I break stickers down into a few different sections. Jokes, political, organizational.

I will only put organizational stickers on my truck. I have a small sticker for USMC, Iraq Vet, freemason, volly fire, volly EMS, and the truck has had fire plates since I joined the FD.
I have a few stickers. I break stickers down into a few different sections. Jokes, political, organizational.

I will only put organizational stickers on my truck. I have a small sticker for USMC, Iraq Vet, freemason, volly fire, volly EMS, and the truck has had fire plates since I joined the FD.

I don't know what it is about the people on this site but it seems I am attacked for every post I make, and every word I use is hyperanalized. I said possibly save lives I wasn't making myself out to be some high ranking trauma surgeon who takes people on the edge of death and gives them their life back. Honestly how about you stop trying to take me down, because I'm young or new to being an EMT or because I'm from New Jersey and look at yourselves. Chances are you aren't secure with yourself or you have made some mistakes that you can't live with and you are trying to prevent the new generation from doing the same thing. Well if you have a lesson give it, otherwise shut your mouths because I am too smart and too talented to be taking **** from you middle aged fools who's only accomplishment in life is becoming an EMT or paramedic.

Oh man, this made my day. You seem to have a misconception about how the medical field really works. Even those "high ranking trauma surgeons" don't take people from the brink on death that often. Most trauma is routine, cookbook and boring. ABCs, get CT scan, park in the ICU until they get better. It is very infrequent that they will need any serious interventions, with the exception being orthopedic injuries and in those cases it is the "high ranking orthopedic surgeon" that saves the day (or the ortho resident that puts them in a splint) and not the trauma surgeon. The like-totally-awesomely-cool stuff like intubations are very infrequent in trauma (oh and get done by the ER doc, just sayin').

I'm apparently middle aged (so my kids tell me) so you have probably stopped listening but if you are still reading take some advice. Listen to what people on here have to say, get some thicker skin and don't let their advice get you all butthurt. Medicine is a tough field where tact and politeness aren't a common quality. If some anonymous advice from people on an internet forum gets you so upset and angry (especially since they are all addressing your questions), maybe you are not ready to be in the medical profession.
Does anyone still have EMS stickers on their car?
Closed for 7 year bump.
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