ems sticker in your car window?

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I want a EMS sticker. i dont know where to find one.
a free one that is
Lets be clear, a small sticker that has your agency affiliation it or a small star or life... Not a whacker.

Multiple stickers with phrases like "my other car is an ambulance" and "EMS, paid to save your ***, not kiss it" ... Whacker.

My post was more in reference to things like the Leatherman tool thread ("Whackers rejoice") and the like. The only type of whackers/wackers I've been familiar with are the type I mentioned earlier, the cop wannabes. Calling people whackers/wackers for having an EMS sticker on their car or listening to podcasts about med topics doesn't make any sense to me.

But then I guess I'm just :deadhorse:
It's the same as being a "Ricky rescue". The guy that carries a zillion things on his Bat belt. The guy that carries a jump kit, oxygen and an AED in the trunk of his car "just in case". The guy that wears the "racing the reaper" T-shirt everywhere he goes.

That's a whacker.
The guy that carries a jump kit, oxygen and an AED in the trunk of his car "just in case".

Must be nice to have that kind of money...I could think of a million things that I'd spend it on, and none of those seem to make the list. Oh, I have a small first aid kit in my car, with some quikclot even, but that's for hunting season or the range. Had it years before EMT class.
Must be nice to have that kind of money...I could think of a million things that I'd spend it on, and none of those seem to make the list. Oh, I have a small first aid kit in my car, with some quikclot even, but that's for hunting season or the range. Had it years before EMT class.

+1 same even to the quick clot.
Can we clarify, or take a poll, on how to spell our beloved zealots of EMS label...



My husband and I have small stars on the rear windows of both our vehicles.
We live in a small town and everyone knows who we are and what we do anyway and we are proud of our career choice.
Definitely not using it to get out of tickets or anything of the sort.
I have one on my rear windshield. It is only to ,ark my car for when I leave it on the side of the road to ride in on the ambulance. This notifies police that it belongs to someone on the crew, so the cops will not give a parking ticket.
Yeah, I do. I'm proud of my career. Why not?

I'd throw a Walgreens 'W' up there if I worked there, and loved my job.
I will put one on my car soon. At 50 I'm proud to have broken back into school and done so well, at a subject that's always interested me. I'll volunteer soon, I'm happy to leave the whackering to others.
Nicely said paddy wagon. I retired last year and I am now an EMT. I am extremely proud of my accomplishment! I don't even care about the money as I volunteer 24/7 for my town. This is also something I have wanted to do all my life. I love helping people!
I wouldn't put one on my car to get out of a ticket, I'd do it to have some pride in what I do. Nothing wrong with a little pride as long as it doesn't get out of hand. :rolleyes:
where i go to school, it is so rural that the ems chief and the fire cheif (truck 2 and truck 1 respectively) are the 2 chiefs personal vehicles. in truck 2 they have an aed oxygen and a jump bag that has all the equipment the ambulence jump bag has, and is outfitted to be a mobile comand post. truck one has the same plus a set of irons.

not to mention they are outfitted with lights and sirens

is that wacker? all the stuff is dept issued..
where i go to school, it is so rural that the ems chief and the fire cheif (truck 2 and truck 1 respectively) are the 2 chiefs personal vehicles. in truck 2 they have an aed oxygen and a jump bag that has all the equipment the ambulence jump bag has, and is outfitted to be a mobile comand post. truck one has the same plus a set of irons.

not to mention they are outfitted with lights and sirens

is that wacker? all the stuff is dept issued..

Not at all! It's all job related right?
where i go to school, it is so rural that the ems chief and the fire cheif (truck 2 and truck 1 respectively) are the 2 chiefs personal vehicles. in truck 2 they have an aed oxygen and a jump bag that has all the equipment the ambulence jump bag has, and is outfitted to be a mobile comand post. truck one has the same plus a set of irons.

not to mention they are outfitted with lights and sirens

is that wacker? all the stuff is dept issued..

The consensus is that someone who is not affiliated with any agency and has a bunch of gear in their vehicle, monitors police scanners, etc is considered a whacker. It's just an opinion, just like calling someone a lowballer or a :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:. Not really based on anything factual, just what someone else thinks.
I had a first aid kit and fire extinguisher in my vehicle long before I was with any dept. Did someone believe I was a whacker. I'm sure some did, do I care, not at all.
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