ok, I had no part in this at all.

Last week our director was being a real b^tch so we all decided to liven things up around the station. His office has this little wall closet in it where he keeps a couple changes of clothes, some crackers and stuff liek that, and a small collection of entertainment magazines, if ya know what I mean. So, us EMT students went in there when he was gone one day and pulled a good little number on his office. We took a black pair of business pants from the closet and laid them on his desk with the fly openand folded over. Then we took one of his "magazines" and opened it up to the centerfold and laid it there by the pants. One of the others went to the pantry and got some powdered sugar and mixed it up with hot water. We put it in a dropper and put a few drops on the front of the pants and then streaked it all over the desk and smeared it on the magazine page. By this time one of the Medics had saw what we were doing and came into the office to check it out. He started laughing his a$$ off and went and got a jar of vaseline and some napkins and opened the jar of vaseline and got the napkins all covered in it. Then he set the open jar of vaseline on the desk and the napkins there by the powdered sugar spots, which had now dried out and turned white. We left the ligths on and closed the door, then went outside to get our faces straight before we went back in. The rest of the day whenever we saw anybody else in the station we told them that the director had very important news to tell them. By the end of the day everyone had seen it and took pics and put one in every rig. The director came in the next day and we expected him to be p.o.'d but he just laughed like hell. We thought it was good until he put chocolate covered cherries on the black vinyl seats in the rigs. It was somewhere around 2 before everyone figured out why they had been getting weird looks from the public all day. lol cant wait 2 put the next one together