I know a guy who knows a guy.
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It would be next to impossible to list or even make policies for things we are not allowed to do. Waiting on scene while I can see a patient who has a broken hip on the other side of a sliding glass door and just doing nothing because the fire department isn't there is poor patient care IMPO. Same with a child locked inside a car on a 125 degree day. There is no policy that says I can or can't break the window but I'm not officially trained in how to break a window so what now? The fire department isn't always right around the corner and can easily take over 30 minutes to respond.
We actually have a written policy for us riding in on the airships that allows us to do so..
I have a boating accident in the river/lake and the only way to access them is by boat. There are other boaters there more than willing to give us a ride over but instead I am going to wait possibly close to an hour before the fire department gets there with their boat..
Same with drownings. The patient is still in the pool but I'm not a lifeguard and not trained in "water rescue" neither is PD or fire. So what do we do? Wait for a lifeguard to get on scene of this privately owned pool? Wait for them to float to the surface and fetch them with the pool net?
I judge the risks vs benefits for these types of situations and go from there. These are not just "what if" scenarios, these are actual calls that have happened. I've had the hip fracture call many many times.
So have I. I've forced a door. I've gone out on a boat. I've been dropped on to a ledge from a sheriff department helicopter. But, if I got hurt doing any of that, I wouldn't have been covered and you're damn sure there would be a policy against it the next day. Risk vs benefit is a decision we all make every day. Should I drive faster than the speed limit? I
If you do it and it's fine, you're a hero. If anything bad happens, you're the guy who got the "dont go on boats" policy written about them and hopefully they're not holding a fundraiser to help support your family. See what I'm saying?
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