Listen, the gov't cannot be trusted with this. I'm not some conspiracy wacknut, but they have absolutely no idea. They are making **** up as they go while trying to prevent mass hysteria. They have medical personnell, virologists, scientists, epidemiologists, and all manner of brainy folks trying to get a handle on this behind the scenes. Working hard on this one. You can be one of the sheeple and listen to the propaganda, or you can use your eyes and see what is happening.
Exhibit A.) When they brought the American doctor with confirmed Ebola back via airplane and ambulance, all the personnell involved were wearing full on self contained level C HAZMAT suits. Including the patient. It was on national TV.
Exhibit B.) A full scale manhunt was launched this week to track down a homeless man who rode in the Dallas ambulance who may have been exposed to Ebola before the ambulance was decontaminated after transporting the guy from Liberia who was confirmed to have it. He was found after the full weight and resources of the government was utilized to find him.
Exhibit C.) Whenever the government starts coming out strong in droves telling you there is nothing to worry about, that is the time to start worrying. No need to worry, nothing to see here, we're telling you one thing and doing another because -- well, we're the government, trust us.
They have no idea. LUCK will play a huge role in preventing this bugger from spreading. While I don't think it will be the end-all-be-all that sends us into the zomie apocalypse, I do believe it has the potential to sicken a lot of people who are healthy. The usual suspects (i.e. flus and stuff) generally are subjects of Darwin. They thrive by infecting the young, old, weak, and immunocompromised. However, Ebola is merciless. Young, old, athletes, doctors, nurses aids, otherwise healthy folks are easily susceptible. No one is immune. All of the doctors/medical providers claim to have been utilizing proper PPE, given their guidleines, and still got it.
Also, on an aside, Nebulizer txs produce aerosol particles that contain whatever your pt may or may not have in their respiratory tract/oro/nasopharynx. The concern is not that it makes them cough... They're already putting out all of that aerosol "mist" that is contaminating the air and every surface, nook, and cranny of the small space in your ambulance. Which is why N95 masks are to be worn when you give a tx to a sick person.