Right now I make pretty good money. Last year I pulled in $47,000, this year it will probably be $40,000-$42,000 (I really haven't been motivated to work OT this year). That kind of money is great for someone who is single, lives alone, with a small car payment and a one bedroom apartment in a middle-class neighborhood. I can buy toys and go out and still be comfortable, I don't live paycheck to paycheck.
But I couldn't dream of supporting anyone on that kind of pay and the reality is that EMS doesn't live much, if any, room for advancement. For a pay raise I can either go management or FD, and eventually I will need a Bachelors degree. If I need a BS degree to move into a better paying position in this job I would rather get a BS degree in something I would enjoy doing and get out of EMS entirely.
And to answer the OP, I actually think there are some people too smart to be paramedics/EMTs. If you are a person that pushes themselves to learn more and keep up to date with the latest advances in medicine, often you will be shunned by your peers. I remember going on a call for a guy that was jaundiced and altered as heck, when I did an assessment I noticed he had asterixis. When I told my FI this, he simply looked at me and said "Why do you care? Check his sugar, put him on the monitor and drive him to the hospital, diagnosis is a doctor's job." This attitude bugs me to no end, so what if we can't do anything about it? This is the sort of thing that keeps us being called ambulance drivers. I have often wondered if I would be better at this job if I was a little dumber and didn't think too much into what is going on with patients. I also think some people just aren't challenged enough by EMS, some people need to have a constant brain challenge at work and at a certain point EMS stops being challenging, not to say that there isn't more to learn or there aren't difficult calls, just that the day-to-day stuff stops challenging some people.
I recommend anyone with the drive or ability to get out of EMS while they can. Other careers can be much more rewarding both paycheck wise and intellectually.