documentation abbreviations (funny)

Do not call a guy who is in bed suffering from a high fever a pig in a blanket.

Can't say that I have ever done that one! But, thanks to you, I will have that thought go through my head next time I have a patient with a fever. Hope I can keep a straight face!! I do have my doubts however!! :wacko:
Counter part to "CATS" is "BATS". As in; Beat all to S**T.
Hahaha.. Funny sayings or things I've come across..

LOLFDGB - Lil Ol Lady Fall Down Go Boom

Advice: Drop the baby? Fake a seizure!

Smoke Break = Marbuterol TX
we just used HMS: Hysterical Mexican Syndrome (worked with all races but was always HMS considering 80% of El Paso is mexican decent) and CCT for Choo Choo Train as in "dispatch show us delayed due to CCT" not really an acronym but the fire kids had a habit of saying "numericals" so I said "dispatch can i get the alphabeticals on that street" dispatch replied with "what the f*** is an alphabetical?!" it was 3am lol

In NYC we used the term "status hispanicus" for panic attacks. Or "Ay tach", as in !Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay! I also like "Allstate-itis" for BS neck and back pain at an MVA scene.
In NYC we used the term "status hispanicus" for panic attacks. Or "Ay tach", as in !Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay! I also like "Allstate-itis" for BS neck and back pain at an MVA scene.

Ay Tach, that's a new one!
Maybe I overlooked it here, but I didn't see Charlie Foxtrot anywhere....that is a classic!! And bumscicle (homeless people in the winter)
San Jose Fire / HAZMAT folks refer to SJPD officers as "blue canaries". :D

One of my EMT-B instructors calls them blue canaries. "Send the blue canaries to see if it's safe, If the blue canaries die, it aint safe"
One of my EMT-B instructors calls them blue canaries. "Send the blue canaries to see if it's safe, If the blue canaries die, it aint safe"
Hey - Novel idea... how about we know better than to rush into scenes before it is safe... for us, the FD, or the PD?

As much as we joke about this, I just want to speak up and make sure that the n00bs and students know that this really isn't something we do.
