documentation abbreviations (funny)

Nurse: And what did you get for her vitals?
Me: BP 148/100, Pulse 72 Reg., and 66 lords per minute.

Probably not right to refer to a ejection as - PEFYC - Pre-Extricated For Your Convenience ...
I'm shocked and appalled at reading this.

Next thing you'll tell me is that Tachylordia is no longer an acceptable diagnosis: "Lordy,lordy,lordy,lordy..."


I never knew the term for it. Although, I have seen it. I believe it's brought on by the same causes as HP; Hispanic Panic.

When I worked in Los Angeles, we referred to ambulatory pts on scene that had sudden neck and back pain upon arrival of EMS as LHP 2.2. As in "Larry H. Parker got me 2.2 million dollars".
8) And finally, do not refer to recently deceased persons as being "paws up," ART (assuming room temperature), CC (Cancel Christmas), CTD (circling the drain), DRT (dead right there) or NLPR (no long playing records).

HAHAHAHAHA! cancel Christmas thats awesome!
Haha, I have seen this list before... But was worth reading again... prob. laughed as much as I did the first time I read it. Thanks
PBBB: Pine Box By Bed
22479: the hours of the local funeral home 2 to 4, 7-9
Basement admission: the location of the morgue at the hospital
PBBB: Pine Box By Bed
22479: the hours of the local funeral home 2 to 4, 7-9
Basement admission: the location of the morgue at the hospital

That reminded me of when I used to do morgue transfers

Patient Transported to: Eternal Care Unit

Funnily enough, over 4 years, I was never called up on it! Control must have found it funny!
We call return trips home: Homeruns
(not really funny, but who cares)
I used call myself Eastern Mass Taxi
not really an abbreviation but the zoll autopulse = the geezer squeezer.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I dont care who you are thats funny right there......
lol, people actually use the term "urban outdoorsmen" here.

One I heard today on a code was "TMB" or "Too many birthdays".
I can't believe nobody has mentioned JP FROG yet. (Just Plain F:censored::censored::censored:in' Ran Outta Gas)
Guys, aren't you being insensitive? Where's your empathy?
Doctor told me the other day the patient's labs were "AFU". I never heard that before.

Doc looked at my confused face and said " all F:censored:d Up "
another hospital ED abbreviation I've heard once or twice

AALFD: Another A*****e Looking For Drugs
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HIBGIA (had it before, got it again) - Used this one, not the abbriviation but the words in a hospital report!

Stroke patients are NOT "Charlie Carrots." Nor are rescuers to use CCFCCP(Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs) to describe their mental state. This could be used for more than just stroke pts!