I am curious, how does having to have insurance against being sued and such an environment affect you?
Ambulance personnel in this part of the world are protected from suit for treatment injury by universal accident compensation legislation and from personal proceedings by both the insurance (and legal services) of the ambulance service and the union. As far as claiming a civil judgement for negligence not related to treatment injury (for example for lack of treatment or referral) against the individual personnel, not only will the ambulance service and union defend you but the applicable tribunal would likely never agree to arbitrate such a case. In fact, the District Court (disputes tribunal) recently ruled in favour of the ambulance service regarding a part-charge dispute.
The Health and Disability Commissioner can find against the ambulance service, and against individual ambulance personnel, as has happened recently, however they can only recommend changes and actions but cannot award any form of punishment, civil or otherwise.
I have personally been the subject of an HDC complaint, it's not a nice experience, but by all means it was quite painless and unremarkable. I am quite happy we have such a mechanism, we carry stocks of those patients' rights brochures and I have told people, both verbally and in writing, they can make a complaint against me, or the service I work for, and how to do so! I would never, ever discourage anybody from doing so, in fact, I legally cannot, it's their legal right under the HDC Act!
I will go my entire career and not have to worry about being named in a legal case (the Coroners Court excluded) from a professional standpoint. It's simply never even entered my mind, ever, nor do I ever imagine it would in any way, shape or form.