Do you carry your own liability insurance??? Well, you should.

What's the poor man's retirement game at 7-11?
The lottery is 50/50... You win or you don't!
I feel you AK. I like evidence too.

For me, 100 dollars is worth it either way. Illinois is literally one of the worst states for malpractice medically related lawsuits in the country so my view is colored by that admittedly. If you are still in ALaska(?) that might not be the case as stated above.

The thing is, these cases can drag on for a while. Just the mere ability to have someone represent you in proceedings can be a bit of a lifesaver.

I am not sure about the ability to dig up civil cases but I am trying to find some examples of cases that, if nothing else, illustrate how convoluted the cases can become and how an individual provider might be pitted against his company's lawyers if a judgement is finally imposed.

These folks lost their son. Tesoro H.S is in RSM which is rich people area to say the least. Rich+Pissed=bad for you.

Unknown who paid this.

Same. Unknown payer.

Here is an example of the amounts paid.

I note that the insurance also will pay out to you if you yourself are assaulted and your personal items are damaged. Which may or may not be difficult to get your agency/company to do.

To all:
We are in EMS. We know the situation varies from corner to corner. It may be more suitable for people in different areas. Truth is, it depends. At the very least, research your area and decide for yourself based on your situation.