Last week when on a controlled bleeding call ( very small cut on elbow and minimal bleeding ) I used alcohol prep pads to clean up the semi dried up blood around the wound without wearing my gloves. I usually don't wear gloves unless I know the patient has a infectious disease or if there is a moderate to large amount of blood or other bodily fluid. With that said, I don't recall seeing any blood on me after cleaning the wound other than touching the alcohol pads, but I remembered I had scraped the top of my hand a couple days before. I'm somewhat worried wondering " what if they had Hepatitis C ". After patient care I immediately washed my hands using PAWS antiseptic hand wipes ( what we carry ) which is proven 99.9% effective against HIV, MRSA and a few other things. I also used a alcohol based hand sanitizer since a sink with soap and water were not readily available. My cuts were pretty much healed at the time, they weren't actively bleeding or anything but I did feel a small sting when using the hand sanitizer. Now you probably think I'm over reacting, but would you consider this a true exposure or would you just forget about it ? I know some of you will probably say I should know the answer to this as this stuff was taught in EMT school, but I second guess myself and would prefer a second opinion.
Is there any real potential of catching Hep C based on my story ?
Thanks in advance !