COVID VACCINE - The Megathread

Would you get the Pfizer vaccine if it were available to you?

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Forum Deputy Chief
Im well over 72 hours since my second dose. Symptom free.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
I get pfizer number two tomorrow. Almost exactly 24 hours from now

Alan L Serve

Forum Captain
Prove it.

You've made the claim, now back it up.

Everyone else has managed to provide the basis for their arguments, yet you persist in using the discussion tactics of a toddler. Your whole argument has been, " I'm right and you're wrong, and if you disagree with me I'll keep saying you're wrong." Repeatedly saying something does not make it a fact, no matter how hard you try or how many times you repeat it.
My dear friend,
You claim danger
from this vaccine,
Yet bring no proof.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
My dear friend,
You claim danger
from this vaccine,
Yet bring no proof.
My dear troglodyte,
You must live under a rock.
There have been multiple reports of anaphylaxis from the vaccine.
The vaccine has some danger.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
My dear friend,
You claim danger
from this vaccine,
Yet bring no proof.
Where did I claim danger from this vaccine? I just went back and re-read every post in this thread. I never claimed this vaccine was dangerous which is why I never proved it. What I did say was that there may be some risks about it we don't know yet.

The rest of my responses to you have been to get you to offer proof for your claims. You claimed that @DrParasite was wrong when he posted proof that the flu cold were serious and deadly yet offered no proof of your own. You claimed that a vote against the vaccine was a vote for death, that there is no legitimacy in vaccine skepticism, and that the vaccine is safe, stops Covid and does not kill.

This is your last chance ... Prove it. You've misrepresented what I and others have said in this thread enough. It is beyond time for you to back up your statements. This isn't reddit, we require you to be able to back up your claims here.

Seriously...this is your very last chance to prove what you've said.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Source for the anaphylaxis comments so there is some risk with the vaccine:

There's some speculation that this may be the first vaccine related death although it is too early to say for sure:

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Got the second Pfizer shot yesterday morning. Around 9pm I started feeling really fatigued and had the chills. Woke up this morning feeling like I didn’t sleep at all. Whole body aches, head hurts, and I feel foggy like when you drink too much the night before (which I didn’t). This sucks. I hope it goes away later today.
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Has no idea what I'm doing.
I'm getting the second dose this afternoon. Was supposed to be this morning but had to push it back. Hopefully I fair better than you.


ED/Prehospital Registered Nurse
Got my second a bit over 24 hours ago. My arm hurt pretty good from about 3-16 hours in, but otherwise I feel fine.

Did have some chills and body aches with the flu shot months ago, but nothing with the Covid ones.


Forum Deputy Chief
One of my nurse friends just got the second dose, reported sore arm and fatigue for a day but that was it.

Still waiting on my second dose.


Forum Deputy Chief
My 2nd dose will be Jan 27th...but as stated before, no issues from the first (Moderna).


Has no idea what I'm doing.
And second dose in my arm. 7 ish hours in and it is a little sore. That is all so far. Hopefully it stays that way.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
Source for the anaphylaxis comments so there is some risk with the vaccine:

There's some speculation that this may be the first vaccine related death although it is too early to say for sure:
To be completely fair, everything has an anaphylaxis risk; people have them to flu shots every year. and it's usually not the vaccine that people are allergic too, but an inactive ingredient. I have heard of people who are allergic to sunlight, cold weather and hair dye too. And here are 32 weird things people are allergic too:

As for the second example, assuming the vaccine did kill him (and that's a big assumption, and there is no proof or cause of death), out of the millions of vaccines administinistered, if it saves a million lives, but kills 1, is it an acceptable risk? remember, every time you have surgery there is a risk of death, it's just a small risk.


Forum Captain
2nd dose on Friday. Spiked a fever later that night and all the way till Sunday evening. Very fun.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
To be completely fair, everything has an anaphylaxis risk; people have them to flu shots every year. and it's usually not the vaccine that people are allergic too, but an inactive ingredient. I have heard of people who are allergic to sunlight, cold weather and hair dye too. And here are 32 weird things people are allergic too:

As for the second example, assuming the vaccine did kill him (and that's a big assumption, and there is no proof or cause of death), out of the millions of vaccines administinistered, if it saves a million lives, but kills 1, is it an acceptable risk? remember, every time you have surgery there is a risk of death, it's just a small risk.
I only provided the first link to show that there is some risk with the vaccine, even though it is a small one. This is a relatively quick onset risk, and we're still not sure if there will be any long term risks associated with it. Even though these risks are minimal at this point, we can not dismiss them by simply claiming that there is no legitimacy in people being skeptical of it. We need to educate these people instead of dismissing their concerns with comments like " a vote against the vaccine is a vote for death" as others have put it.

I'd say it is up to the individual to determine what level of risk they're willing to take with this vaccine. It may seem like an acceptable risk until you become that one person out of the millions.

At this point, I doubt the vaccine will be found to be what killed the doctor. However, we can not ignore the possibility and must be prepared to counter those who point to it as a reason not to get vaccinated with something more than a poetic comment of how they are wrong.


Critical Crazy
I'm 5 days out from my 2nd dose.

First dose was 1.5 day of mild arm pain.
Second Dose was 2.5 days of mild to moderate arm pain, joint/muscle pain, headache, fatigue, perceived fever/chills (but no measurable fever).

Tylenol eliminated these side effects or reduced to mild so I could function normally including working ICU shifts and high level athletic activity.

Of course, these increased effects from the second shot are very much within the expected reactogenicity (the immune system is training itself, we should expect it to act like it) so the minor inconvenience was well worth it. There were some callouts, but over 40K first and second dose data I access, no serious adverse events. :)
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Critical Crazy
I'd say it is up to the individual to determine what level of risk they're willing to take with this vaccine. It may seem like an acceptable risk until you become that one person out of the millions.
That's the key but tough point to hit. For the 1 in 100K person, it is a very real thing and sucks. However, anaphylactoid reactions are short and manageable in the healthcare setting. That is why nobody died.

To the person with that concern I would say: The chances of getting COVID are high if you don't vaccinate. Even for the lowest risk folks, the risk of negative outcomes from COVID is orders of magnitude worse than the risk from the vaccine. Meanwhile the benefit of the vaccine is strong for individual and the community.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
My dear friends,
A vote of "no"
is a vote for death.
To the person with that concern I would say: The chances of getting COVID are high if you don't vaccinate. Even for the lowest risk folks, the risk of negative outcomes from COVID is orders of magnitude worse than the risk from the vaccine. Meanwhile the benefit of the vaccine is strong for individual and the community.

If I may take a moment to point out the difference between these two posts advocating for getting vaccinated. If you were the patient, which one would you be more likely to accept? Which one is more likely to convince someone to get vaccinated? Which one better serves the patients, the public and EMS?

To everyone who has made the effort to convince people the right way, thank you.

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Even for the lowest risk folks, the risk of negative outcomes from COVID is orders of magnitude worse than the risk from the vaccine. Meanwhile the benefit of the vaccine is strong for individual and the community.
What is the overall risk of serious morbidity or mortality from COVID for an individual who is not in a high risk group?