hold on... no one is saying covid isn't dangerous; what many (including myself) are saying is covid isn't dangerous
to me.
No one is disputing that covid is very dangerous to the elderly. or the immunocompromised. or those with multiple comorbidities
I, as a moderately healthy 30something, am at low risk of dying from covid. my son, who is 4, is an even lower risk. That doesn't mean it can't or won't happen (and I do hope it doesn't, and read in the news that kids and young people have died from the disease), but I refuse to live in fear and lock myself in my house for the next two years over something that, based on the numbers, isn't very dangerous (ie, life-threatening) to me. You can imply that I'm an idiot all you, but that conclusion is in line with the scientific data as reported by the CDC.
Between the beginning of January 2020 and June 14, 2023, of the 1,134,641 deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States, around 307,169 had occurred among those aged 85 years and older.
I have known several people who caught covid (healthcare workers pre-vaccination) and are now back to work. Some were only mildly symptomatic, but most agreed that it sucked. No one died, but I won't deny that many elderly people did die in nursing homes in NJ and NY (see my previous statement about who COVID is dangerous to).
Implying that a person is an idiot because of their personal or political beliefs is not a good way to persuade someone to agree with you, especially when their beliefs are more in line with the scientific data than yours are.
As for the anti-vaxxers, and those who think that the vaccine is just a way for bill gates to put a microchip in you... I can't help you there, they are crazy science deniers and are a form of natural selection.