This is the Imperial report from 3/16/2020. It's why the tone has changed and politicians are enacting these policies of everything closing down big and small. Can you believe Las Vegas is closed?! It has NEVER happened before. The entire city, as is the rest of NV... Like many other cities...
This research indicates that within 3 months the
best likely outcome of this in the US is 1.1-1.2 million dead and 250,000 deaths in the UK. That is if social isolation and closures work. Without all the shut downs in the US we are looking at 4 mil dead and globally 90 mil dead
This is evolving rapidly. I am not so sure it will be the apocalypse the media says, but I think I may find myself retracting my nothing burger statements from last week. Time will tell, and I hope I am wrong.
There is a lot of conflicting data out there. There is a lot of unknown out there. There is a lot of speculation out there. And there is a lot of "let's just air on the side of caution" out there....Which is what we are doing.
I don't know that these data will come to fruition, because this is unprecedented in the modern world and no one has a crystal ball. Either way, the economic consequences are going to be devastating even if this turns out to be a nothing burger flu-like-illness or the real reset button.