I guess I am so old that I remember when Universal Precautions were, well, universal. That has kept me well for almost 20 years through hep-C, AIDS/HIV, Swine Flu, and ebola. Now "my" current service is all upset that I say, no, reusing gowns and much more so N95 masks is not an acceptable process. When did assuring that the scene was safe before entering cease to be a critical fail? These request are folly and appear to say that ou employers just do not give two cents about our wellbing if it costs them money. By the way, the problem is not that no gowns are available but that gown substitutes are more costly and require washing with adequate bleach. That's the real complaint, otherwise these managers would be on line and on the phone placing orders to chef's coats and aprons, long-sleeve scrub, and raingear.Many texts from AMR saying to reuse gowns if you wore it but the patient was not suspicious for COVID. Also folks need to be wearing full PPE if participating in the decon process so unless the sole provider with contact also does the decon (takes forever), I am not sure how we will not have both ambulance crew members in full PPE.
I hope others will post their take on this sudden safety-no-longer-important stuff.