Coronavirus Discussion Thread

So lots of land in the SF area and lots of mortgages are backed by Chinese investors
Yup. It's only in only spot in California. Nowhere else in the country. 😂

9. Without US lead NATO containment of the USSR, Europe especially would look like East Berlin in the 1960's right now.
As I said, any many other reasons. The US is also the #1 contributor to world wide aid being another. Lots and lots and lots of reasons the place is under a microscope.
But being the epicenter of a world wide pandemic is a pretty serious one right now.

Do you have a problem with the Chinese?
Mentioned only because I have no first hand knowledge of UAE, Isreali and several other countries investment interests.

BTW, your timelines on your childhood stories and your supposed medical training and history don’t add up. You would be around 80 years old from some of the claims you’ve made.
Your keen interest in me is flattering. Impressive. Obsessive? But yes, I've been around for a while. And I'm just so wonderful! I got my junior life saving badge at the ripe old age of 6! Not sure where the YMCA stacks up in the training ladder.

#8. Wrong. China. You really believe all the bs coming out of that country? If so, you are woefully ignorant of the world.
Infections to date: China - 85067, US - 3,354,925.

Epicenter, 2nd definition: n. The focal point of a usually harmful or unpleasant phenomenon or event; the center.
Do I need to point out the present focal point? Why the debate and hair splitting?
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Okay, so devil's advocate here. If the above mentioned article is correct and there are anywhere close to 21 Million deaths in China, would that not mean we need stricter measures to control it, else end up like them?

Merely pointing out that the official data from China is likely wildly inaccurate and to use it as an argument is laughable. Population density is a huge factor in viral spread. That is one of the reasons Italy and Spain were hit so hard as is why majorly populated cities in the US are hotspots. China really isn't comparable to other countries both from population density and public health policies.
Reliable source for this claim?
Hopkins +.

This web site gets it's data from Hopkins and all over. Not as accurate, more of a ballpark. Continuous updated. I do cross checking randomly with other sites and they hit it pretty accurately. As example, CDC Florida daily infection, 15,299, this site, 15,300.
Of course, cross checking and never trusting a single source is only sensible.

Went into a clinic ward yesterday. The place reeked! Sprays are all the same. And sprayers. That unique stench you smell when the farmers are spraying the fields. How much glyphosate and pesticides was in the antiseptic sprayer is anybodies guess. But government hospital. Yell too loud and a persona non grata is in your future. Went back a few hours later and an intense odor of disinfectant was added to the stench.

Are there still people who believe China only had 85,000 covid cases?
It's pretty academic at this point. But having first hand knowledge of how China operates, the numbers seem reasonably correct. China government is quite capable of locking down an entire city in a few hours. And I mean emptying the streets. Ghost town look. Scary how much clout they have. The general population is very cooperative.
You can get a pretty good snapshot of this same mentality in Singapore. An incident stands out. A man in a business suit came out of his shop house. Dogs in the middle of the night had raided his trash which was scattered over the sidewalk. And up the street was a pair of officers walking his way. On hands and knees he was in a panic stuffing the trash back into the container. The cops saw him, his efforts, and slowed their pace to a stroll. Fine for littering then $1000, payable on the spot. Zero tolerance, no excuses accepted. Chinese, Chinese mentality. Avoid brushes with the law under all circumstances.
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But having first hand knowledge of how China operates, the numbers seem reasonably correct. China government is quite capable of locking down an entire city in a few hours. And I mean emptying the streets. Ghost town look. Scary how much clout they have. The general population is very cooperative.
Too bad that isn't at all what they did… least not until it was way too late.

Too bad that isn't at all what they did… least not until it was way too late.
Actually, it appears they did clamp down, but in their typical style. First major police operation is roadblocks, always. Undoubtedly that's what they did. Wuhan is the crossroads of central China and there was definitely no major spreading to other provinces. Word would have gone out. Then the systematic shut down of a city of around 10 million people about half the size of the entire greater Los Angeles area.
It seems they went into lockdown around the 1st of February, but in typical political style. Lots of government officials giving out contradicting orders. And somewhere along the line Beijing stepped in, probably slapped a few local officials around, and shut the whole province down. Mobilized a couple hundred thousand police and paramilitary and cut all the road and communication. Standard policy.
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Something that bears mentioning. North Thailand, Chiang Mai to be precise, is the out of country Chinese playground. Thailand has capitalized on Chinese tourism. No visa required and around $100 gets a round trip ticket and a week or two in a nice hotel.
When the virus hit in China everyone was gearing up for Chinese New Years. We were wall to wall Chinese tourists. Word came down of the virus and Thailand cancelled the celebration. We probably had a half million people in Thailand that needed to be repatriated. Word came from all quarters from gossip all the way up to government announcements Wuhan was locked down. If a person had to return there they going to get trapped for the long haul. The other provinces were open, at least to enter the country, and there was minimal hassle involved.

We also have a large local population of Chinese people and Thainese, born in Thailand, around 15% of the population of Thailand, that stay in touch with friends and relatives back home. There is simply no way there could be a cover up on any grand scale without them hearing about it.

So the grand conspiracy theory of China sandbagging virus info is simply ridiculous. Word would have leaked out ten thousand different ways through friends and relatives. It was confined to Wuhan, it was contained, and the infection rate couldn't have been much more than what was officially reported.
When Wuhan opened back up, the info flood gates were opened as well. Absolutely no word has come down, from word on the streets, through NGO sources, through the thousands of businesses contacts and connections, through various unofficial government channels or through the Chinese government announcements, of anything more than what was reported by WHO and is taken to be the facts at the CDCs.
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Wuhan - C-19 addendum. Lockdown as done in the US, and lockdown as they did in Wuhan, would be decidedly different. I've been in Wuhan a couple of times. The place is like Manhattan Monday morning rush hour but 24/7. Driving there is ... well, you may forget where third and the higher gears are. Call it almost gridlock, day or night.
I talked to some people who were in Wuhan during the lockdown and saw pictures they had taken. Might as well have been on the moon. Police checkpoints at just about every intersection and nearly all vehicles on the road were motorcycle delivery people who would often get stopped every block. The city central was pretty much deserted. It was such a transformation people were taking pictures of the city streets. The usually jamb packed sidewalks with nobody in sight.
This lockdown went for 3 solid months during which time nearly everyone had been tested for the virus. Lockdown was lifted only when the curve went flat.
I just can't imagine compliance like that in other countries. It takes a police state to have that degree of compliance. But it should be kept in mind, crowd control is a perfected science in China. People are used to being told what to do and cooperation among individuals is not entirely voluntary. Stay in line, do as you're told, observe the rules and if you want to cut loose and seriously party, take it out of the country during your vacations.
China has a population of 1.4 billion people. For them to have only 85,000 cases is either lack of testing and/or false data reporting.

This is not debatable.
I'll take a pandemic over apartment building doors being welded shut and police and military with orders to shoot violators on site. Hard pass on China tactics.
China will easily sacrifice millions just to do it. They have zero concern for their people except how to win the Long March. ALL are subject to the needs of the PLA/Party.

Anyone who believes any reporting out of China is a complete fool.
I'll take a pandemic over apartment building doors being welded shut and police and military with orders to shoot violators on site. Hard pass on China tactics.
That constant 'big brother' presence... i't's often subtle, but constantly there in your mind. I suppose coming from a free and open country like America makes me much more aware of it than most of the people who were born and raised under it.
Something like the Wuhan lockdown shoves it into stark relief. Yes, they can mobilize a 100,000 strong police force in very short order.
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After going through the usual morass of news sources this AM. Not being political one way or the other. It would be refreshing, more to the point unprecedented, to get just a few days in a row of purely scientific C-19 info and reports without having to sort through a half million tons of political slants, denials, accusations, innuendo, gaslighting, untruths and other assorted garbage.
Right now it's like trying to read a white paper or morbidity report filled with commercial messages.
Instead of them being voices lost in the wilderness, just some plain facts from the medical community as headlines and follow ups, even if they disagree or are outright contradictory, would be better than the present rat sandwiches with mustard and marmalade.
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3 new fatalities reported today. 1st time we've had more than 1 death reported from COVID-19 at any one time. Total deaths stand at 22 statewide.

We've def seen a second wave, we had had zero new cases for a couple days in a row, started opening back up, then new cases spiked back into the 20-30 per day, including the single largest daily spike (42 new cases on Saturday).

Total cases are approximately 1,250 Statewide.

Though most have recovered or been released from isolation already, with that number standing at 911

Out of the 300 or so active cases, only 30 are currently hospitalized, and only 3 of those are in the ICU.

Approximately 90 of the States 190 ICU beds are in use by non COVID patients, so we still have half our capacity available.

Not anywhere near as bad as Thailand, but at least 44 cases here can be traced to one individual who worked out at two different gyms and attended a work training program (Hawaiian Airlines)

Sadly, this was a matter of just when this would happen.
