Cocaine OD?

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I was going to put, "maybe this time it IS lupus", but it didn't fit.
No, subspacecontinumwarpfield.

I had to say something smart.
Interestingly, cocaine related cardiomyopathy is closely related to cardiomyopathies seen with pheochromocytomas. Why would that be? :D

Aprz.. You just picked one of Chase's big words.

I had to say something smart.

Now tell me everything you know about it! :P

I have had a couple of these patients and they definitely keep you busy. Labetalol drips are fun :ph34r:
Had a patient with pheo AND hyperthyroid BOTH once. Was arrested/shot with baton gun while standing in the road screaming at the top of his lungs and threatening people and himself with a pistol.

Guess the gun permit didn't ask if he had any endocrine issues? Was released before trial.
Deh-deh-det-deh-deh DEH.

The prinzmetal angina did it.


I can has scooby snack?
It's ALWAYS sarcoidosis.

C'mon, gang...when you hear hoofbeats, it's sarcoidosis.
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.... after her boyfriend/crack dealer broke up with her.
I had another thought.

It was the po-po. 40mm nerf round to the dome gave her the bruise knocked her out then she drowned.

Murder I tell ya!
Where did the OP go?
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