Chat room

just went in at the same time DrParasite left
There are one or two other forums I visit that show the number of people in live chat next to the link or their usernames close by; I wonder if we could do the same so that you do not have to scroll right down to the bottom of the page to see?

It's not really a major, I've left it open the past few times while I've been doing stuff around the house and only one or two people have briefly popped in briefly.
Can you provide an example? Thanks
Most of the time I spend on here is while I'm at work on the iPad or at 0430 when I get off and no one else is awake. It'd be cool if chart worked on the iPad but I know tappatalk doesn't have that option. Haven't tried to open it in the browser...
There's two people in there right now! o.o Success!
I've seen a little myself. SOMEONE logs in and just lets it lie there.......
just went in at the same time DrParasite left
I have popped my head in a couple times.... usually I'm the only one there (except once I caught Clare at home and we talked about how she can't believe how my system treats it's employees (SSM, etc), and I couldn't believe the educational requirements for her system (she sent me course roster for the 4 year degree program, wow)).

Other than that, I log in, see no one there, and bounce out. I work nights, so if I get bored at 1 or 2 am, I usually pop my head in. Like just now, logged in, felt really lonely and started talking to the walls, and logged back out.
I'm there right now....
Me too
And I'm still there... ;)