bucket list ems

Get flown first class somewhere and be paid as the keynote speaker at an EMS conference on trauma resuscitation.

I imagine that's probably in your near future.
Get my medic
Go on a disaster
Deliver a baby
Have a true save, where pt leaves hospital fully functional.
Become a mod on here ;-)
Work in an ER
And work for a system that places a lot of trust and responsibility with their medics.
Surprising how many I have already done:

Disasters: Tornadoes; nothing bigger.

Event standbys: been there got the tshirt

IFT out of state: 14 different states; 4 states in 36 hours with 3 patients.

Wilderness EMS is something I would like to do more of
Well go figure, checked off the swat standby this am. Stand by with pd while the executed 3 hours of search warrants! Pretty bad @$$ getting to talk with tac medics and check out all the cool gear
I did a swat stand by for all of 15 minutes till the assigned truck got there. That counts right?

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Id like to do a rope rescue out in like Yosemite or Yellowstone, off El Capitan or some crazy place

Disaster...Hurricane Irene (3 days in Paterson NJ)
Event Standby...Done (on 9/11/11)

Improve the NJ EMT protocol, education standards

Build where I'm at into a strong CCT program in the region.

Work as a chase medic.

Present at a national conference

Get a piece of research published

Possibly do some fixed wing international flights.
1 year FDNY EMS
1 year UMDNJ EMS
1 year Miami Dade Fire Rescue truck
retire to Aruba EMS.

Lets add this:

To be in a position not rely on EMS for income and yet not be a volunteer.
To work with knowledable crew members.
Id like to do a rope rescue out in like Yosemite or Yellowstone, off El Capitan or some crazy place

Park Service is hiring summer medics. And I saw a park ranger + rope resuce job a month back.
Park Service is hiring summer medics. And I saw a park ranger + rope resuce job a month back.

I don't imagine they hire basics though do they?

For me, I want to work as a ski patroller after college. I'd like to work flight somewhere too, or work here in New Zealand.
I don't imagine they hire basics though do they?

28 days ago for Park Ranger (Interpretation - Wilderness Permits), GS-0025-07; requirements included: Wilderness First Responder or better

30+ days ago for Park Ranger (Protection), GS-0025-07; requirements included: NREMT

30+ days ago for Park Ranger (Interpretation), GS-0025-05; requirements included: First Aid or better

30+ days ago for Health Technician: Paramedic

EMTs in the park use to have an expanded scope. When they say "Park Ranger", that job could mean any number of things, and doesn't mean you will ever touch a rope or patient. SAR in the park is done by a combination of paid rangers (mostly LE/Medics) and SAR-siters (on call; paid per call) who are based out of two sites, one in the valley and one off of Tioga Pass. All the major rescues off of ElCap, the Dome, etc are run by their highly experienced folks. I would recommend "Ranger Confidential" by Andrea Lankford as a good book.



BTW... I refuse to respond to Yosemite on Mutual Aid anymore; I have gotten screwed by their SAR practices more than once.
From a lowly First Responder's point of view...

1. Intubate
2. Start an IV
3. Have a walking and talking code save
4. PAID wilderness work
5. Get my WEMT
6. Get my medic license (and achieve 1 and 2!)

1. Get my FP-C
2. Do some volunteering with Dr. without borders or some other organization
3. Not burn out
I'd like to catch a baby. That's the only single event I'm waiting for.

Other than that, I'd really like to have a hand in making some dramatic improvement in the system I work in, clinically and customer service-wise. That would be really rewarding.
Get my intermediate within the next year

Finish up and bag my BA

Med or PA school
1. Deliever a baby (better name it after me)
2. Teach a class for my agency
3. More involvement in special ops (Hazmat, rope rescue, water rescue)
4. Paramedic school
5. Take home flycar =)
I really want to cric someone, for some strange reason.