Since others decided to elaborate, I'm a conservative leaning centrist, with several libertarian leanings. I'm big on the following:
1) personal accountability for ones own actions; if not societies fault that you did something.
2) no one in the government should be telling me how to raise my kids, as long as I am not hurting them, stay out of my life. Similarly, I am responsible for my kids, and the government shouldn't be on the hook to support me for my decisions to have kids.
3) the government is responsible for national infrastructure. roads, bridges, boarder security, military etc. the states and localities have their own responsibilities, and my local taxes should fund my local stuff.
4) I support gay rights. I don't care who you sleep with, date, or are attracted to, because it doesn't affect me. I have gay friends. If they have kids, awesome. If they want to get married, let them. they should have the same benefits as traditional marriages.
5) keep my taxes low, but takes when you need to support the government responsibilities. that doesn't mean raise taxes for pet projects, or social causes, or other pork. Also, we should all pay the same rate of taxes (percentage wise), so people shouldn't be penalized because they worked harder and made more money.
6) 100% union supporter, but I also recognize that it means people who should be fired often don't get fired. a union can protect staff from poor managers (I know this from first hand experience)
7) I believe in rules and laws... and if you don't like the rules or laws, the response shouldn't be to ignore the laws, but to change the laws, using the established processes.
I generally lean conservative but I also have some definite liberal leanings too. In some ways, I'm a bit contradictory too... My family has accused me of being a Rush follower, and while I have listened to his show off and on over the years, he was often entertaining and thought provocative, I wouldn't say that I was a follower... as I never have been. Oddly enough, those same people that accused me of following Rush never did listen to a show of his so their attacks of him were always what they'd heard about him from other people that also hadn't actually listened either...
I was more of a follower of Tom Sullivan, who started as a local talk show host here in Sacramento. He's somewhat conservative, but definitely more of a money/fiscal/business guy as that was what he did before going into radio. If something makes fiscal sense, he was more likely to champion that, regardless of which political party championed it.
Ben Shapiro is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to. I don't always agree with what he says, and he's a hard right conservative, but he's factually accurate. I've never listened to rush, but many of my liberal friends seem to ignore what conservatives say, not because of the content of their speech, but because of the history of the person. One of my favorite quotes from Ben is "facts don't care about your feelings," because many people confuse the two, and just because you don't like something, doesn't change it's status as a fact.
I also agree with late Senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan's statement "You’re entitled to your own opinion, you’re not entitled to your own facts." Sometimes people confuse the two, especially when they start making up facts to support their option, facts that aren't supported by any actual evidence that they are factual.
And both the democrats and republicans have their share of extremists and morons, who, for some reason, get re-elected by their constituents. I happen to think the republicans have fewer morons, and fewer people who are out of touch with the common man. And while I wouldn't trust trump to watch my kids, I can't argue with all of the positive things that he and his administration did while he was in the WH.