Are you liberal or conservative?

Are you liberal or conservative?

  • solid conservative

  • conservative leaning centrist

  • liberal leaning centrist

  • solid liberal/progressive

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The following Ron Swanson memes sum up my opinions
One of the reasons I didn't mention political parties (aside from the fact that I think they both suck and are parasitic elements leaching and corrupting many things they can) is just because someone is a democrat, doesn't mean they are a liberal.

As per the most reputable source on the internet (wikipedia), here are the current conservatives democrats:

Current officeholders[edit]​

United States Senators[edit]​

United States Representatives[edit]​


I don’t have enough, if any, faith in our government, let alone, individual political parties and their agendas to confidently say I’m one or the other.

What I will say confidently is that I see value in several aspects of both parties systems, and coming from a mostly democratic upbringing and environment, I can see much more value in some balanced conservatism as an adult.

Blind faith and politics just don’t mix well.