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i JUST saw that on tv! Hillarious!!
so you mean that shouldnt happen to me every time i see blood?
I love it! Hahaha!


This is REALLY great! :)
I love how the two sitting in the back are poised, ready to spring into action when the door opens.
omg i lol'd when i saw hope that doesnt ever happen to me after im funny video.
I love how the two sitting in the back are poised, ready to spring into action when the door opens.

You mean that's not real??!! :P
Hilarious. I actually had a partner, that once on a car accident had to go sit in the back of the truck because she couldnt see the blood.
Hilarious. I actually had a partner, that once on a car accident had to go sit in the back of the truck because she couldnt see the blood.

We had an EMT pass out at the sight of blood at one of the trauma hospitals in Indy. Her partner caught her, and nobody has let her forget it.

I love how the one police cruiser didn't have a license plate.
I love how they run up to the vehicle, stop stand there and put on their gloves. I glove up as I am running. LOL
I put on my gloves as I walk to the patient.
So this isn't normal... duly noted.

This kindda makes me think of "Tommy Boy" where Tommy (Chris Farley) is doing the presentation with the auto parts store owner about why his brakes are better than the other guy's... love the part where he talks about medics getting to the scene of the accident and "the new guy's in the corner puking his guts out" *puking noises*
I walked into a nursing home pt's room one day (C/c of Dehydration) during changing time. I initially had to back out of the room because I felt myself about to go out. Potent odors...
I walked into a nursing home pt's room one day (C/c of Dehydration) during changing time. I initially had to back out of the room because I felt myself about to go out. Potent odors...

That's so sad. :[
That's so sad. :[

I know... One resident with a BM I can handle... All four in the room simultaneously just after the aide had changed each of them just proved to be a little too much!
Super funiezzz..... but now im secretly worried that could happen to me.. geezz i hope that never happens to me !!