I have a strange feeling this thread maybe locked in the near future....
Yes there are some pretty some judgmental, rude, opinionated, "I am always right" people who post on here. I have seen people looking for help, guidance, ect... be spoken to rudely, belittled, and made them feel like EMTLIFE is not a safe place to ask for help, or about a call they had, or to just BS about EMS related ideas.
Its scary because a lot of these people are anonymous on here and may not feel comfortable asking there peers in real life about some of these things for fear of feeling stupid or maybe they did the wrong thing ect ect....
Frankly, I can deal with most of the rowdy characters myself. I do think some of them really do not mean to, others I think go a little overboard because this is a forum and not a real life face to face conversation. There was only 1 person who ever really bothered me.... 1 very stubborn, rude, "I am always right" who had a VERY small following and this person annoyed a lot of people.... I haven't seen that person post here in a while.... and in over 5 years here thats the only person that made me not want to post here or be a part of this community.
In closing... This is a large EMS community and everyone has there own opinions and way of communicating. Hopefully we can all learn to respect one another and try to be as welcoming as possible. However people aren't going to always see eye to eye.
Anyway thats my 2 cents...