Are we GODS?

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Why is it on this site so many are quick to judge me? Im not on this site to judge anyone if my question of "WHY" bothers any/everyone it is not intended to do so. I ask the question to maybe get a better rational of treatment for my pts thats all, is that so bad? Ive been judged so quickly by a few (u know who you are) just because my spelling isnt perfect does that make my treatment for my patients bad? If you would go and read the posts im being ridiculed for my actions. If im being so wrong then please give me an adequate rationale of doing so, but until then quit being so judgemental. We all are here to learn and not be ridiculed because we are human and NOT GODS!
No your unwillingness to learn is what turns a lot of people off. You say you want a better treatment, but when presented for an alternative course of action you are being jumped on, you don't take an informative post for what it is, an informative post.

People try to teach you and get "Well" and "But" and you don't simply sit back and take it in.
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No your unwillingness to learn is what turns a lot of people off. You say you want a better treatment, but when presented for an alternative course of action you are being jumped on, you don't take an informative post for what it is, an informative post.

People try to teach you and get "Well" and "But" and you don't simply sit back and take it in.

That is because what they give me back is just part of what i applied.
No your unwillingness to learn is what turns a lot of people off. You say you want a better treatment, but when presented for an alternative course of action you are being jumped on, you don't take an informative post for what it is, an informative post.

People try to teach you and get "Well" and "But" and you don't simply sit back and take it in.

And show me where I have a unwillingness to learn. SHOW IT! I never said your treatment wasnt good or I wouldnt use it. I took a text book senario and gave a text book treatment. And you think it is still wrong. I dont know maybe this site is not for me.
Forget it now. You will not win with these people (we know who). They are mean and nasty most of them. The only times that they will every treat you kindly is if you admit that they are better than you, or if you also start treating people like crap. Eventually you learn to just avoid/ignore everything they do and say. Welcome to the real emtlife.

EDIT: This was not meant to start a war. It was adressed to the OP, and ONLY the OP. No one elses opinion is needed. Feel free to give it, but it will be ignored.
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Welcome to the Internet, where everyone is an expert, and you're judged solely on what you type and how you type it. No one judges you based on how good of a guy you think you are, or how intelligent you think your self to be, we judge you based on what we read on our screens.

1badassEMT-I, when I want to make myself seem professional I start off with how I look and how I act. Maybe choosing "bassassEMT" wasn't the best choice of usernames, and while you may be articulate, scholarly, and a gentleman in the real world, from what you've contributed to EMTLife so far you don't appear to be any of those.

Sure, you may be the greatest guy in the world, but that certainly isn't how you appear in this community.
I have a strange feeling this thread maybe locked in the near future.... ;)

Yes there are some pretty some judgmental, rude, opinionated, "I am always right" people who post on here. I have seen people looking for help, guidance, ect... be spoken to rudely, belittled, and made them feel like EMTLIFE is not a safe place to ask for help, or about a call they had, or to just BS about EMS related ideas.
Its scary because a lot of these people are anonymous on here and may not feel comfortable asking there peers in real life about some of these things for fear of feeling stupid or maybe they did the wrong thing ect ect....

Frankly, I can deal with most of the rowdy characters myself. I do think some of them really do not mean to, others I think go a little overboard because this is a forum and not a real life face to face conversation. There was only 1 person who ever really bothered me.... 1 very stubborn, rude, "I am always right" who had a VERY small following and this person annoyed a lot of people.... I haven't seen that person post here in a while.... and in over 5 years here thats the only person that made me not want to post here or be a part of this community.

In closing... This is a large EMS community and everyone has there own opinions and way of communicating. Hopefully we can all learn to respect one another and try to be as welcoming as possible. However people aren't going to always see eye to eye.

Anyway thats my 2 cents...
Welcome to the Internet, where everyone is an expert, and you're judged solely on what you type and how you type it. No one judges you based on how good of a guy you think you are, or how intelligent you think your self to be, we judge you based on what we read on our screens.

1badassEMT-I, when I want to make myself seem professional I start off with how I look and how I act. Maybe choosing "bassassEMT" wasn't the best choice of usernames, and while you may be articulate, scholarly, and a gentleman in the real world, from what you've contributed to EMTLife so far you don't appear to be any of those.

Sure, you may be the greatest guy in the world, but that certainly isn't how you appear in this community.

And this is from a community leader. I respect your opinion as it is yours. So just because some dont agree with my opinion makes me a poor contributor or I am not the best at getting my point across as well as others.

Question then. Instead of bashing someone for their views or the mistakes WHY not say hey maybe you should try this as oppose to this? Maybe ask a question of WHY would you do that. As for my username it is just a name I picked which doesnt reflect who I am or how I am in just a NAME! does it itimindated maybe thats it. Dont mean to as it is just a NAME!

I will hush now not over speak my opinion.... I just find it sad this was neat at first .....but I think once again I dont need to be here....Even the community leader has a bad opinion now thats bad. If I HAVE OFFENDED ANYBODY HERE I AM TRULLY SORRY!
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I really hope that we are the most user-friendly community out there, that has always been our goal. We try to strictly enforce our community rules, while I again believe are some of the highest standards and user expectations online. If you feel like you've been attacked you should report the post using the button and our Community Leaders will take a look at the situation and deal with it accordingly.

Again, it's not about how good or bad a person you are, it's really about how you carry yourself here. The only thing we're able to judge you on is what you say and submit to the site.
I have a strange feeling this thread maybe locked in the near future.... ;)

Yes there are some pretty some judgmental, rude, opinionated, "I am always right" people who post on here. I have seen people looking for help, guidance, ect... be spoken to rudely, belittled, and made them feel like EMTLIFE is not a safe place to ask for help, or about a call they had, or to just BS about EMS related ideas.
Its scary because a lot of these people are anonymous on here and may not feel comfortable asking there peers in real life about some of these things for fear of feeling stupid or maybe they did the wrong thing ect ect....

Frankly, I can deal with most of the rowdy characters myself. I do think some of them really do not mean to, others I think go a little overboard because this is a forum and not a real life face to face conversation. There was only 1 person who ever really bothered me.... 1 very stubborn, rude, "I am always right" who had a VERY small following and this person annoyed a lot of people.... I haven't seen that person post here in a while.... and in over 5 years here thats the only person that made me not want to post here or be a part of this community.

In closing... This is a large EMS community and everyone has there own opinions and way of communicating. Hopefully we can all learn to respect one another and try to be as welcoming as possible. However people aren't going to always see eye to eye.

Anyway thats my 2 cents...

It is the way I feel for sure......Didnt mean to be wrong or voice my opinion!
I spoke down once and made a public apology because I was wrong! Your right your not going to see eye to eye on everything!!!! That I can live with but the I am better than you and the rudeness crap well I dont do.
I really hope that we are the most user-friendly community out there, that has always been our goal. We try to strictly enforce our community rules, while I again believe are some of the highest standards and user expectations online. If you feel like you've been attacked you should report the post using the button and our Community Leaders will take a look at the situation and deal with it accordingly.

Again, it's not about how good or bad a person you are, it's really about how you carry yourself here. The only thing we're able to judge you on is what you say and submit to the site.

I try to carry myself with good standards as I have on here....which I tought were good Ah never mind it has already fell on deaf ears....Hope you have a wonderful day!
Tough skin.

Twenty-two years in EMS should have least taught you that.

If your turned off by the lack of immediate acceptance and respect this probably isnt the place for you.

If you want interesting discussion and learning oppurtunities you can find it here, however you will have to wade through the nonsence to reach your destination.

It is what it is.
Forget it now. You will not win with these people (we know who). They are mean and nasty most of them. The only times that they will every treat you kindly is if you admit that they are better than you, or if you also start treating people like crap. Eventually you learn to just avoid/ignore everything they do and say. Welcome to the real emtlife.

EDIT: This was not meant to start a war. It was adressed to the OP, and ONLY the OP. No one elses opinion is needed. Feel free to give it, but it will be ignored.

Thanks I am learning this all to well.
Tough skin.

Twenty-two years in EMS should have least taught you that.

If your turned off by the lack of immediate acceptance and respect this probably isnt the place for you.

If you want interesting discussion and learning oppurtunities you can find it here, however you will have to wade through the nonsence to reach your destination.

It is what it is.

Oh I got tough skin..... and you are right I need wade the nonsense. My tough skin wants me to lash out at the ignorance of some for being purely rude/nasty. Thanks for the post.

"Then... DIE!"
"When someone asks you if you're a god, you say 'YES'!"
"All right! This chick is TOAST!"​

Seems to happen every couple of months. New poster gets offended by all the other Type-A personalities and takes it personally. No one here really knows one another. All that is known is what is presented. Based on that perception people develop a perseption of who otehr people are and may develop a like or dislike for certain people. Get over it and view these forums for what they are... a place to discuss EMS (and other things) and maybe learn and share a thing or two... And lets not discount the possibility that the statements and viewpoints some people have are WRONG and they are gonna get a little spanking for that. It is EMS... get thicker skin, learn or ignore, and move on...

Now, who wants to watch Ghostbusters... one of the 10 greatest movies of the 80's...

"There's something very important I forgot to tell you."
"Don't cross the streams."
"It would be bad."
"I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, 'bad'?"
"Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light."
"Total protonic reversal."
"Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon."​
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"Are you a God?"
"Then... DIE!"
"When someone asks you if you're a god, you say 'YES'!"
"All right! This chick is TOAST!"​

Seems to happen every couple of months. New poster gets offended by all the other Type-A personalities and takes it personally. No one here really knows one another. All that is known is what is presented. Based on that perception people develop a perseption of who otehr people are and may develop a like or dislike for certain people. Get over it and view these forums for what they are... a place to discuss EMS (and other things) and maybe learn and share a thing or two... And lets not discount the possibility that the statements and viewpoints some people have are WRONG and they are gonna get a little spanking for that. It is EMS... get thicker skin, learn or ignore, and move on...

Now, who wants to watch Ghostbusters... one of the 10 greatest movies of the 80's...

"There's something very important I forgot to tell you."
"Don't cross the streams."
"It would be bad."
"I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, 'bad'?"
"Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light."
"Total protonic reversal."
"Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon."​

How about moving on in life and not worrying what a bunch of random people on some Internet website think of you?
Just my 2cents
I am pass this now! I know what I need to do! Learn to ignore some on here! And go on if they dont like what I say then they can ignore me! SIMPLE!
Why is it on this site so many are quick to judge me?... We all are here to learn and not be ridiculed because we are human and NOT GODS!
Are you kidding me?

I know this might shock you and others on here, but I can be a tad abrasive, stubborn, and opinionated. And often some people on here take offense to what I say, because I'm always right :rolleyes: You can imagine how well that goes over, especially if I side with the unpopular point of view.

here is the bottom line: at the end of the day, if everyone on emtlife judges you as a retard, an idiot, and plain old wrong, will you still have a job? do any of your coworkers think any less of you? is your wife/gf/significant other still going to take you into the bed room and do things that can't be mentioned? ok, so maybe if you are married that only happens once a year, but you get the point.

You are anonymous on here. all we know is that you are 22 year EMT veteran who is an EMT-I, and you are from WV. that's it.

Ignore who you want, and remember some are going to ignore you. I know people are going to ignore me, and I still sleep pretty well (usually with a brunette or blond next to me, but lately I have had a redhead too) knowing this. remember, it's only an online BB.

and if your feelings were hurt that badly, pick a new SN, and come back and no one would know the difference.
and if your feelings were hurt that badly, pick a new SN, and come back and no one would know the difference.

Thats basically it mate. Your conduct gives us the impression you are minimally educated with a poor grasp of both basic bioscience and the current evidence base as it applies to prehospital medicine.

Now that fact alone is not a bad thing, we are all not experts and knowledge is power. I will never look down upon somebody or refuse a request to help a person increase thier base of knowledge and understanding.

You however appear a gung-ho, Whacker E. Rescue type who wants to save the world with your magic bag of drugs and tools despite a grossly inadequate education on how, or when, and more importantly when not to use them.

And that screen name of yours just seals the whole package up nicely.
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