Hey badass, maybe your reaction to the responses from this forum is due to the southern culture in which you were raised (presumably). I'm referring to Virginia, WV, the Carolinas,Georgia, Alabama and such.
I came from NY several years ago and worked in Charleston SC briefly. From my experience, I noticed that most of those I worked with and also interacted with outside of work look to avoid confrontation for some reason. You'll think that you're on good terms with someone, and then they'll throw you under the bus or talk bad about you to everyone else when you're not around. It's like they're patting you on the back and stabbing you in the back at the same time.
Me, I shoot straight from the hip. I was raised to handle the problem on the spot in a direct manner, without regard as to whether I'll hurt someone's feelings in doing so. This way of handling things, rather than practicing avoidance and conspiring against the person in secret, is what southerners complain about when dealing with northerners. You know, northerners are rude, nasty, and compain all the time. It's called being direct, standing up for yourself, and not taking the coward's approach and looking to settle the score by going behind their back, unbeknownst to them.
I suspect that your issue with this internet forum is at least somewhat due to the southern culture of avoiding confrontation. I'm also suprised that someone of your age would start such a thread as this. I would expect that kind of drama from a 16-20 year old, not someone who's been in EMS for 20 or so years.
Also realize that internet posts will generally be stronger than what you would encounter in real life, since most of us are anonymous. Some look for any and every opportunit to put someone in their place, or otherwise demonstrate some form of superiority, presumably to stroke their own ego or in a misguided attempt to prove their own self worth. You can't take these forums too seriously. Maybe try to learn a thing or two, or have a couple of heated discussions for entertainment's sake. The internet and real life are two entirely different things.