Kaisu said:
Oh I beg to differ. I find this new poster's debut quite impressive. He/She expresses him/herself well and backs his/her position with impressive logic without being offensive or confrontational. This poster is obviously quite intelligent and rightfully offended by the display of unprofessionalism at her ride along. She would be appreciated and welcome in my service and many others that I can think of.
Thank you. It is hard to find someone who can spot objective reason and good logic even when it disagrees with their opinion. I like challenging conversation, but I do bite back.

(And, P.S. it's a he. B) )
Gods. The forum finally gets an articulate new person, and they're hypersensitive and possessed of an overdeveloped sense of moral outrage. I'm not sure if this is better than the people who can't type, can't search, and leave after 15 posts.
First off, I may leave after I hit that 15 mark anyway.

Muahaha, just kidding, I like this site.

h34r: It is hard to find good debate and logic as well as high volumes of useful info all in one place.
Just because I disagree on a lot of points hardly means I'm hypersensitive. And I'm not sure what you mean by moral outrage, but if you hold it against me that I don't think behavior and language fitting only for a drunken homeless gutter-dweller should be exhibited in a professional setting, then I'm sorry but nothing's going to change that.
Furthermore, it appears the general consensus is that my training is dismally insufficient to form a logical thought, as if I have not actually lived any life and obtained any schooling prior to enrolling in the EMT class, but rather, upon enrollment, I popped back into the world anew, as a helpless newborn baby.
Interestingly, my current training (or lack thereof according to some) teaches that when an order does not seem right, you should question the physician. But what it fails to mention is, "BUT BY GOSH DON'T QUESTION THE PARAMEDICS (or paramedic students), you impertinent little swine! For upon doing so your head will be removed from your body as due punishment!"
Your instructor didn't send you out as a third rider so that you could get skills practice.
When 5 hours out of 120 is all that is designated to "real EMS," then what does that say about what I should be focusing on?
I should also point out that new paramedics aren't "fresh out of school."
EMT's are.
Are most EMT students THIS prone to making naive snap judgments?
I made no naive snap judgments. Where did I judge anything? I asked, simply, if anyone else had experienced things similar to what I did and if I could expect such experiences in the future.
Miss_Xina, I understand what you're saying. But I'm not bashing them as people, just the faults I see. Faults are faults, no matter if the person is an EMT, Paramedic, Doctor of 30+ years experience or what. And I'm not challenging the aspects of their training as it pertains to the job, just their reason and logic as to how their training relates to their status and importance as an individual.
It is strange to me when someone thinks they are entitled to some great ride along experience.
Do you think people should be not feel entitled to a great class experience, then? Because it is the same thing.
If you cannot see my passion for patient care in my first post, then I do not know what to say. :/ And idealism is what I'm getting at: I want everyone to act professional at all times. And it's just that: an ideal. People will call me stupid and belligerent for saying it's what they should do, but so be it, because it's the truth. I'll be blunt: grown men should not act like middle-school bullies in fire houses and EMS stations. It's that simple. Maturity levels should be higher than that by that age.
By the way, do you want to know what I saw, in about a week of browsing this forum before registering? About 10x that number of opinions about "new people." Why do you think kids come here posting about how they can minimize pranks and mild hazing and crap like that on new jobs, how long they are going to be termed a "newbie," and what they can do to get on the good sides of the "vets"?
Because it's a big bloody problem.
Originally Posted by Linuss
Are you able to differentiate between rales and rhonci? How about rales amd wheezing?
Can you tell the difference between tge clinical presentation between pulmonary edema and asthma?
no, and I will tell you exactly why not:
Per my supervisor, who has been a paramedic for 20+ years, EMTs only need to know the difference between normal and abnormal. they don't need to know rales, rhonchi, wheezes, or diminished sounds. only normal and abnormal.
scary thought isn't it?
Not that scary. EMT's and paramedics can't diagnose anyway. But so many of them do. That's what's scary.
DrParasite said:
as for the whole censoring in front of the orientee, ehhh. you are a guest in their house. should they behave a little better? probably. if they don't, well, it is their house, you are a guest.
(But it's not actually their house. They're just acting like kids in the owner's house, who I'm sure would probably have higher professional standards in mind than displayed.) Don't they know that it reflects badly ONLY upon them when they act like that?
Since when did personal opinion about the idiocy level of a patient or her caregiver have anything to do with actual patient care and warrant complaining loudly and unprofessionally to everyone about it? Let me ask you, is your truck actually *your truck* or are you representing a company, district, and EMS system as a whole? Because if you're a jerk, audibly, in front of people, it reflects negatively on lots and lots of people. "Wow, those paramedics are really nasty."
Why am I telling you this? Because it's not worth getting worked up over.
First off, I guarantee you this is not upset. I'm a member of my local Arguers Anonymous chapter (j/k), but seriously. I've been a forum surfer for years and years. It's fun to me. I'm sorry you think this is getting to me, but the truth is, I am one of those people who can state a strong opinion even while emotionally stable. Few can, I guess, that's why people accuse me of crying.
The gist of the message I'm getting from you is, "Shut up until I say you know enough to talk." And I am learning. What makes you think I'm not? I'm top of my class in a class where people are dropping like flies.
I believe ignoring crap is why people think crap is OK. Hence why there are problems.
Daedalus, I just saw what was posted, and yes, all I'm saying is I am entitled to A ridealong experience, regardless of quality. But I can critique that quality all I want because it's a free country. I'm not sure what it is about the ways other people have presented it to you that makes it make sense for you now (maybe rage blinds you when you see my name? kidding.

) but it is EXACTLY what I am saying.
I paid for the course, I darn well get to do a ridealong with someone.
Whether I choose to comment on it is up to me and has no bearing on the deal struck between me and the college when I paid for course, because
a ridealong WAS achieved.