[April Fools] EMTLife's Newest Community Leader: MMiz!


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Reaction score

It has become quite clear that over time that [you] has become a valued member of the EMTLife community. As such, I'd like your help in welcoming [you] as the newest member of the EMTLife Community Leader team! Starting tomorrow [you] will have the power and responsibility of an EMTLife.com Administrator.

If you could please help me in welcoming [you], as this is most likely a complete surprise to [you]! [you], we'd love to learn a little about you, including what you plan on doing as EMTLife's newest administrator!

We hope you're as excited as we are about adding [you] to the EMTLife CL team! You may email any questions, comments, or concerns to aprilfirstiswhatday@emtlife.com. Of course we'll look at all emails carefully, and get back to you as soon as possible!


EMTLife Community Leader
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This was so 2 years ago.
It's not april first yet ;)
community leader on april first, what are the odds?

I confess, I have been sent by a civilization that has mastered faster than light communication and travel to carry out a secret conspiracy to have all fire service apparatus painted pink and issue rainbow colored turnout gear.

Thank you all for supporting my ascension to a position of earthly authority that can finally implement such a plan into reality.

*Jaw drop* I think I'll see if this is still good after today...
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Brown is shocked! I'd like to thank Jesus, and Scotty and James and Chris and Rob and all the good people of Brown Watch.

Oh you'll all pay for this, oh how you will pay.

And to think I missed April Fools!

*Brown away :ph34r:
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Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou....now down to business...

ps...why pick on me? what did I do? :sad:

It has become quite clear that over time that rescue99 has become a valued member of the EMTLife community. As such, I'd like your help in welcoming rescue99 as the newest member of the EMTLife Community Leader team! Starting tomorrow rescue99 will have the power and responsibility of an EMTLife.com Administrator.

If you could please help me in welcoming rescue99, as this is most likely a complete surprise to rescue99! rescue99, we'd love to learn a little about you, including what you plan on doing as EMTLife's newest administrator!

We hope you're as excited as we are about adding rescue99to the EMTLife CL team! You may email any questions, comments, or concerns to aprilfirstiswhatday@emtlife.com. Of course we'll look at all emails carefully, and get back to you as soon as possible!


EMTLife Community Leader

Ouch! Are ys sure? I didn't prepare a speech. Can we say (cough cough) &*^%*&&^$??? :blush:
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Loves that it's user specific :)
I will gratefully decline as if I accepted I would just ban everyone to make my job easy. :P

I hate this time of year as almost every forum has one of these going.

It has become quite clear that over time that Hannah has become a valued member of the EMTLife community. As such, I'd like your help in welcoming Hannah as the newest member of the EMTLife Community Leader team!
Talk about a rapid promotion; I just joined yesterday!
Oh, wait, it's April 1st.
WOWWW!. Ha Ha!

LOL. Nice one guys! :)

Have a good day everyone. Be safe!
Where's my reserved parking spot?

oh crikey.

i was like... uh.. what? did my post count go up or something?!

oh well, at least i didn't post up with a formal acceptance letter!

i was thinking... don't i have some recent infractions or something?!

First order of business:


Happy April Fools!!!