Anyone know if AEMT training exists in CA?


Forum Probie
Hello all, I was wondering if there is anyone out there that knows of an Advanced EMT training course in CA. I checked the CA state EMSA website here and found they have a section on it, but just not any resources on where you can take any classes for it, unlike paramedic and EMT courses which they have a detailed list of and when exactly each is expiring.

Is it that that there are not any, or that it should be taken care of by your employer if at all, based on need, which in CA with the abundance of paramedics and proximity of hospital personnel whom go over and above these skills already, it's just not needed?

My own opinion is I would appreciate an AEMT course that would go more into depth on these subjects, especially going into more of the real impact, in terms of a pt's A&P, of these measures, because saying "You'll now more when you're a paramedic or nurse" gets real old. Yes, if I were in fact so inclined, I could probably look in a bunch of places and piece together from what the effect(s) would be under of these advanced measures, but I would prefer a uniform course that would build on my present knowledge and make the process flow easier and be more simple rather than having to cobble together the understanding from several not-easily transferable sources. Not to mention, while I do not plan on inserting any IV line unassisted within the near future, the specific understanding of what is going on could be very helpful for both me and my patient, for me furthering my knowledge, and for my pt., my understanding exactly what is going on allows me to anticipate problems and be ready to help with it. That's about all I can think of on the subject..


Hello all, I was wondering if there is anyone out there that knows of an Advanced EMT training course in CA. I checked the CA state EMSA website here and found they have a section on it, but just not any resources on where you can take any classes for it, unlike paramedic and EMT courses which they have a detailed list of and when exactly each is expiring.

Click on the AEMT tab at the bottom. Apparently there are only 3 current programs and 1 expired program in California.
Is it that that there are not any, or that it should be taken care of by your employer if at all, based on need, which in CA with the abundance of paramedics and proximity of hospital personnel whom go over and above these skills already, it's just not needed?

The history here is important. The AEMT level replaced the EMT-II (2) level on July 1, 2010. Prior to that, a county introducing the EMT-II/Limited Advanced Life Support (LALS) level had to show that the EMT-IIs were not going to displace paramedics. That, in addition to the numerous optional scope of practice tracks for EMT-Is (EMT-1, aka EMT-Bs) made almost all counties forgo recognizing EMT-IIs. The impression I get now, with the easing of the restrictions of AEMTs and the reduction of optional scope of practice packages for EMTs, that some counties are looking at AEMTs as a replacement for EMTs in contrast to the more traditional view that AEMTs would be replacing paramedics.


Forum Troll
There really is not any AEMT classes in CA because they are not used.

NCTI held a AEMT class with a focus on tactical medicine about a year or so ago.


Forum Lieutenant
Only place that I ever heard of that did one, and this was our ICEMA inspector telling me this, was the SBDCoSD training center having one for their SAR guys.


Forum Probie
A-EMT in california

Some counties seem to use it. There are requirements on the California Gov website, but it isn't used? That doesn't make any sense.


Forum Troll
Some counties seem to use it. There are requirements on the California Gov website, but it isn't used? That doesn't make any sense.

The general rule in California is that if it has to do with EMS, it doesn't make sense.


Forum Lieutenant
I don't know, but with the min wage increases, you might see a few places start to reconsider getting up to speed on LALS and therefore getting some local colleges and schools on board with training. It's cheaper than dual ALS rigs.


Forum Probie
Als emt (emt-a)

Sounds logical to me. Well, we should start pushing for it in California. Way more cost effective, not to mention a good stepping-stone for Medic. Not reason not too. Besides EMT/Paramedic riggs should have AEMT's as drivers/assist Paramedic, and BLS units could have an AEMT as lead-EMT.
Maybe NAEMT will/can lobby for it's implementation in CA.


Forum Troll
Sounds logical to me. Well, we should start pushing for it in California. Way more cost effective, not to mention a good stepping-stone for Medic. Not reason not too. Besides EMT/Paramedic riggs should have AEMT's as drivers/assist Paramedic, and BLS units could have an AEMT as lead-EMT.
Maybe NAEMT will/can lobby for it's implementation in CA.

There really isn't a stepping stone needed from EMT to medic. And with AEMT not a whole bunch gets added to your scope.

Why pay for an AEMT wage to have them be a driver when you can pay an EMT wage?

BLS is BLS not ILS. Why have an AEMT be a lead EMT (if your a lead EMT you can only act to the EMT level). That's kind of like saying your an RN but you are a lead LVN.


Forum Probie
AEMT discussion cont.

Interesting points. On the state EMS website there is a way to look at AEMT's 'recognized' in California. Most of the active AEMTs are certified in counties that are rural (Far north NorCal, eastern Inland County EMS authority ext). Maybe it's more useful in the rural setting. Thoughts?
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Forum Deputy Chief
Majority of aemt (EMT 2). Are volunteer


Community Leader
Interesting points. On the state EMS website there is a way to look at AEMT's 'recognized' in California. Most of the active AEMTs are certified in counties that are rural (Far north NorCal, eastern Inland County EMS authority ext). Maybe it's more useful in the rural setting. Thoughts?
I've met a few EMT-II's (now AEMTs) over the years in California and they were all from those rural counties. They said it was more cost-effective to have a LALS truck in certain areas instead of a full-up ALS truck. I suppose the idea was that the LALS folks could handle the majority of the calls and those few they couldn't, they'd be able to call for an air asset to fly a Paramedic in.

As a Paramedic, I would love to have some extra hands that can do some ALS interventions under/at my direction.


Forum Probie
AEMT discussion cont.

Well, after I revert basic this year AEMT cert will be my next goal. I believe in progressive learning.
I hope California adopts it, as everything i've read indicates a need/use/advantage of having LALS providers at a fraction of the cost and time of going through full blown paramedic school.