sure, but in most cases, you aren't sending a paramedic. you are sending a fire engine, who is either BLS, or a paramedic who (lets be honest here) is only doing ALS because it was required to do the job not because they want to do it. So the engine shows up, and then you wait for a paramedic to show up.
Do dispatchers get it wrong? SURE!!! do callers lie to dispatchers? all the time. But in your example, the patient has to wait until they get proper care (which is in the ER, not a paramedic), while in my example, they can actually start going to that definitive medical are, even if they are with a lower trained BLS crew.
and as Bullets said, many of the calls you as asking about already get an ALS unit sent. It's rare to have ALS unavailable (many medic units have a primary, secondary, and tertiary response area), but if you do have one, at least you can start going to the hospital, instead of having to do the circle of death that is common in many all ALS systems (NYC, DC, and Detroit all come to mind, the latter 2 being designed as all ALS systems).
it's ok, you can admit your wrong. or not. your baseless, incorrect emotional argument isn't backed by science, your "common sense logic" isn't a valid argument (nor is it even accurate), but I think everyone else here sees exactly where you head is located. thanks for playing