Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

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I'm working 24 hour shifts, 9-10 calls a shift a fairly regular here and that's fairly busy (though not too bad, but usually involves waking more often than id like in the middle of the night lol)

Let's see, about a minute from when the phone rings in dispatch to them assigning the call to us, add a minute if we're inside station and have to go on air, 8 min response time, that's 10 min to the scene right there. 15 to 20 min on scene, that's 30 min right there, let's assume a short transport time of 15 min, and no waiting at the destination (walk in, drop them off in a bed, grab a signature and walk out straight away) that's still approx 15 min (still have to clean and dress the gurney at minimum right?).....that puts 1 call start to finish at an hour, and that's with no delays of any kind, particularly transport and holding the wall at destination times, those two alone can easily push a call to 2 hours plus between the time the call is received in dispatch and when the crew is clear for the next run.

What's my point? Well for an 12 hour shift you're literally doing nothing but turning and burning call after call for that kind of volume (especially with the inevitable post move ups) A 24 hour shift is much more doable at 9 calls a shift. Buuuut 5 days on? That's an 8 hour shift, no way you can consistently run 9-10 calls a shift, there is literally not enough time in the day to do so. Or are you working 5x 12s? To what end? Practically living at work at that point, especially if you have any kind of commute...I was getting burned out doing 3-4 12s in a row (Mon-Tues-Wed, every other Sun) with the other 3-4 days off....There is absolutely no way working 5 shifts a week at 9-10 calls a shift is sustainable. Period.
I'd shoot myself if I had to work 5 days a week in this job.

The most calls I've ever ran in an 8 hour shift was 6 911 calls (all back to back...get another call before you even pull out of the ER parking space). On an 8 hour shift, the most IFT calls I've ever ran was 4 (plus 1 late 911, that was a busy freakin day). IFTs tend to take longer than 911s. With factors like busy nurses, patients not being ready, and LA area traffic I can't see running 10 IFTs on a 12 without some serious holdover time. I think my record on a 12 is 9 calls (again, all 911).

Holdovers are never acceptable in my mind, especially on a 12 hour shift. If I'm on a 12 and only have 12 hours off before my next shift, the last thing I want to do is spend what life free time I have at work. Then again, I'm usually fried after 12 hours.
We're talking about sheer # of calls. Just the sheer # doesn't equate to immediate profit. It's when the insurance company or state pays out.

I've run 23 calls in 24 hours. I know people who have run 25+ in the same time period. (We're talking 911. I can count the # of ifts I've ever run in my life on 1 hand.)

Ifts take longer normally. So for that 9-10 calls you have to be on that gas pedal and the facilities have to be on point in an 8-12 hour shift
Maybe its 72k total compensation, to include benefits. Just don't see how they come to the 72K number
Maybe its 72k total compensation, to include benefits. Just don't see how they come to the 72K number
No, they are saying in a year your gross total will be up to 72k not including benefits. The problem with that is it's extremely cut throat in LA County to pull ift's. It goes to the lowest bidder. Some companies are doing transfers for something like $125 per. and if you and your partner make $30 and it takes an hour, that's $60 already gone. that only leaves $65 to fuel and maintenance not including what the management takes to get their pay.

The basic equation I've come up with:
No profit
I still haven't heard from any EMTs who work at impulse, aegis, or ameripride, if any of this is true or false
I still haven't heard from any EMTs who work at impulse, aegis, or ameripride, if any of this is true or false
I shared a drink at a bar with a current ameripride employee and another one who was a former aegis employee. Half the Aegis force got laid off and welcomed to impulse and ameripride to bolster the ranks there but hes not getting the pay of 72k a year. All talk.

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So a man walks into a bar with an Aegis EMT, and Ameripride EMT and an Impulse EMT. Sorry, I could not resist it sounds like the beginning of a joke.
so i can't believe that not one EMT who works at Impulse, Aegis, or Ameripride has chimed in to give some hardcore feedback on this?! LA County peeps where are you!
so i can't believe that not one EMT who works at Impulse, Aegis, or Ameripride has chimed in to give some hardcore feedback on this?! LA County peeps where are you!
Because there are no employees making72k a year. But wait, i am sure am wrong, I am not sure someone will soon post that they are making that much. As I said before, it's impossible to be paying emt that much without going bankrupt.
Just got an email from these guys, apparently they saw my LinkedIn profile (which I can't even remember the last time I've logged in there ha), peddling more of the same old snake oil.....
Opportunity up to $72K+"
We are currently interviewing a select group of experienced EMTs to drive our emerging technology platform and services. With cutting edge applications and state of the art equipment, we are revolutionizing the industry in efficiency and opportunities for career growth.

If you are an experienced EMT looking to be your own boss with flexible schedule and open sky earning potential, we want to hear from you.
lol that pick up line the use " are you an emt looking to be your own boss with flexible schedule and an open sky earning potential" .......this sounds just like a multi-level marketing scam or a pyramid scheme.
Just got an email from these guys, apparently they saw my LinkedIn profile (which I can't even remember the last time I've logged in there ha), peddling more of the same old snake oil.....
The only way you can be your boss is if you are independent contractor. How in the world do they think they can get away with that,i have no idea. It would mean you would have to own a an ambulance,unless they plan to lease you one and/or let you rent one but then you would need to have all applicable insurances etc. This honestly do not pass the smell test.
Just got an email from these guys, apparently they saw my LinkedIn profile (which I can't even remember the last time I've logged in there ha), peddling more of the same old snake oil.....

I got that same email- unbelievable.... I just hope that new guys don't fall for it, I feel like people are going to get burned with this. Also for a company "with cutting edge applications and state of the art equipment" does anyone else find it odd that they have no online presence?

My favorite part of this email was that he abbreviated "let me know" as LMK (something I've never seen before)..... that just screams professional.
Again, lots of speculation going on here. If anyone has questions feel free to reach out anytime. We're very transparent on where we're at currently, and where we're heading.

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Again, lots of speculation going on here. If anyone has questions feel free to reach out anytime. We're very transparent on where we're at currently, and where we're heading.

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Okay, here’s a bunch of questions…..

You stated that EMTs run 9-10 calls a shift and work 5 days a week. How many hours are those shifts? If they’re 12s then that is a 60hr week and if they’re 8s then I don’t see how they could run that many calls in a shift.

You’ve stated that employees will get the higher of the two of per-call pay or hourly. What is the hourly?

Why don’t you have a website? You claim to be on the cutting edge of technology- which makes it weird that you have no online presence.

What technology do you have that is going to revolutionize the industry? Because as far as I can tell, most companies use some type is technology to track calls (as you stated in one of your posts). MDT, pagers, cell phones with texting/tracking apps, tablets with ePCR- these are all commonplace in most companies- what does Ambulz do that is any different?

Your email states that EMTs can “be your own boss”- does this mean they are independent contractors? If so, how can you staff the units all the time since they are supposed to be allowed to set their own hours? Also, they could turn down calls potentially.
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