"Looking out for the young bucks?" Really? By fighting to keep the industry from progressing and keeping EMTs trapped in non-livable wages of ~$11hr? Someone asked earlier if I'm a field EMT (which I'm not), I support recruiting for all our roles from EMTs, Medics, iOS devs, QA engineers, Digital Analysts, ect. I do however see all of the payroll reports of our EMTs on the model making at the very least 48k (one person), multiple individuals over 85k, and the the average around 60k+ which I think is amazing. I also am friends with many of the EMTs we hire and stay close to make sure the onboarding proceed is smooth and we're doing the absolute best possible. As a recruiter my professional reputation and integrity is just as much on line as the company. And as with every company I've ever recruited for my goal is to only present roles if it's a solid step for a persons career- advancement, more money, better environment, ect. I wouldn't be involved if I didn't see for myself that Ambulnz is changing the industry, has their heart in the right place, and is offering a real chance for hardworking EMTs to drive their career forward, make great income, and have fun at it.
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What is amazing is that none of you fancy talkers answered any of the questions that we've been asking, for the last 10 pages or so. Or maybe it's out of character ? Remember, your professional reputation and integrity is on the line here !