Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

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Forum Probie
It's just that rumor. I haven't seen any evidence of them purchasing plus why would americare ambulance sell.
Not a rumor, Americare is now owned by Ambulnz but we don't plan on selling the Santa Monica fire division.


Forum Probie
I am looking out for the young buck thats going to fall down the rabbit hole, become jaded due to the BS cheerleading squad of a dialysis company.

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Hi Mr. Gone Fishing, is it possible that you've been away from the scene for while that the young bucks are able to escape the rabbit hole and smartly found themselves working for companies that are forward thinking innovators.

What industry are you in now?


Forum Ride Along
Yea that's all fine and well. What you failed to state is how. The companys aquired did not have the best reputations NOR the management and the field employees. By the way love the thanks giving food give away vide of the emt with the gloves hanging out of the pocket and the zoom in. Real professional. What is he a mechanic or an emt? Thats like leaving your shirt untucked. It's all fine and dandy to improve, to make more to succeed. What has failed here is to explain HOW repeatedly. Your not getting it? You're using a basic mdt app claiming to have uber capabilities. Any 911 call center with good tracking has that capability. It's nothing new. Buying the crapp of the crop and claim to pay emts more than the market rate which we discussed and again everyone laughed at because its BS, you again failed to state how you are simply paying outrageous wages. Your treating it like you got the secret sauce recipe for in n out when we all damn well its thousand ranch dressing. You raise alot of red flags that show the same failures as the little dialysis companys that got big too fast and were fraudulent.

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You are incredible. Making fun of a video where (as Gavin mentioned) we delivered over 250 meals on Thanksgiving to people very much in need, and they were delivered to their homes. (if you haven't seen it, here is the link: )
Our company is all about CARING for others. We promote the importance of going the extra mile, doing that little extra thing to help someone when in need, and in our business it is very often. I can let Gavin speak to this but when recruiting people we look for the empathetic side of people to see if they are Ambulnz material. Sadly many people in this industry are jaded and we try to let them know it doesn't have to be that way. I am starting to think that perhaps GoneFishing showed up for an interview and just didn't cut it because of his negative attitude. It is so sad to see people pushing back on change and what can be great for the industry.
To add some humor, perhaps GoneFishing is really the Grinch Who Stole Christmas and this is what he does in the off season, put out as much negativity as possible.


Forum Ride Along
This. How can a 18 year old that takes a 150 hour basic entry level class able to make just as much as a firefighter paramedic and a law enforcement officer. That requires more training, skill, and time then it takes for a simple EMT course.

If you have nothing to contribute to this thread then leave. Stop with this hashtag crap, its like your job fair. No one cares.
Jim, Ambulnz employs over 300 people and has developed a responsible profit sharing business Model. We call our EMT's entrepreneurs because we consider them our partners. We are forced to respond aggressively on this thread because of disparaging statements being made by our competitors or EMTs working for competition pretending to be our employees. Ambulnz is in the process of taking its model to four other states. Our goal is simple, take good care of our EMTs and they in return will provide excellent patient care. As a company, we need to make a profit. Unlike other companies we share the upside with our employees. I welcome you to come to our next open house and ask any additional questions, speak with Model EMTs and see actual ADP payroll records.



Nationally Certified Wannabe
Jesus, you Amberlmpz clones are such children. 'Lookie here, I have this lil shiney thing in mah pocket but I won't show it to you cuz you'll want it and STEAL IT !! 1!11!! #seewhatididthere ???? Come to mah hood yo, I dare ya'

It's like talking to a bunch of adolescents. No sense of neither formal nor figurative logic, just a neverending stream of BS.

Am grateful though; if I ever felt anything positive towards your little crookshop, you helped removing all doubt.


Forum Probie
Jim, Ambulnz employs over 300 people and has developed a responsible profit sharing business Model. We call our EMT's entrepreneurs because we consider them our partners.

You all keep talking about your amazing business model, but explicitly refuse to explain anything about it.
You're making high promises, and refusing to provide any evidence that you can make good on these.

This is the complete definition of snake oil.


Forum Probie
One. More. Time. Hopefully, the last one.

This isn't a forum for entrepreneurs where you come to share your success story. This is an EMS forum, created by professionals, for professionals. People come here to share their experiences and seek advice; that includes sharing knowledge on work places. So once again, let me dumb it down:

1) Ambulnz is a company;
2) Ambulnz is a rather new company;
3) Ambulnz came to the market whilst tooting its horn about how much new and exciting stuff it has to offer their employees.

You are not Google. Let me repeat that one more time - Google, you are not. The reason that Ambulnz =/= Google is because Google is an already well-established enterprise which acquired its name through years of successful competition with other search engines. Using your analogy, we could call Ambulnz a 'Gewgle' - sure, it sounds very similar but isn't the real McCoy. Same goes for Tesla - Elon Musk wasn't lowballing the automotive market with promises of cheap electric cars, his company was actually backed up by (surprise) Google and got its first ROI only after the first batch of Model S cars was sold. And FYI, Model S is bloody expensive. A simple explanation to why Ambulnz = Gewgle and =/= Tesla, is as follows: you're new, you don't have a well-established rapport and you do too much chest beating.

A propos chest beating - time over time and time AGAIN, Ambulnz has utterly failed to provide any coherent answers to completely transparent and relevant questions. How do you expect people to blindly sign up for your vision of an American dream, based on your promising them milk & honey ? Do you really think to convince people, by showing them a few sheets of paper with numbers, that you actually found a LEGIT way to triple or quadruple their pay, in an oversaturated and overly competitive market ? You come here, of all places, and you think people will fall for that crap ? And then you have the chutzpah to call us 'naive'.

Excitement is for amateurs. Professionals do their job competently, and expect to be compensated accordingly. So If you actually want professionals (and I'm not talking about brand new graduates with a whooping 200 hrs of EMS school behind them) to take you seriously, you should probably reconsider your approach, yeah ?

P.S. To reiterate on the subject of advertising - you won't see random people here advertising places like CARE, AMR or HALL, because these companies do not need it. It might come as a shock, but EMS is a rather small world where everyone knows everyone. And I'm sorry to break it to you, but on an attractiveness scale of zero to potato, Ambulnz is very far to the left.
Jesus, you Amberlmpz clones are such children. 'Lookie here, I have this lil shiney thing in mah pocket but I won't show it to you cuz you'll want it and STEAL IT !! 1!11!! #seewhatididthere ???? Come to mah hood yo, I dare ya'

It's like talking to a bunch of adolescents. No sense of neither formal nor figurative logic, just a neverending stream of BS.

Am grateful though; if I ever felt anything positive towards your little crookshop, you helped removing all doubt.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Jim, Ambulnz employs over 300 people and has developed a responsible profit sharing business Model. We call our EMT's entrepreneurs because we consider them our partners. We are forced to respond aggressively on this thread because of disparaging statements being made by our competitors or EMTs working for competition pretending to be our employees. Ambulnz is in the process of taking its model to four other states. Our goal is simple, take good care of our EMTs and they in return will provide excellent patient care. As a company, we need to make a profit. Unlike other companies we share the upside with our employees. I welcome you to come to our next open house and ask any additional questions, speak with Model EMTs and see actual ADP payroll records.


First my name ain't Jim. You quoted the wrong person.

Second I really do care about your company. I want to know how your paying a basic entry level job to the level that FD's and LEO's are making with more of a skill set and training.

I know that we know that you know your boast of 85K+ a year is a just a load a BS. I am directly calling you out to explain how and why your pay is comparable to a Fire department and Sheriffs/ Police department. The math just doesn't simply add up.


Nationally Certified Wannabe
First my name ain't Jim. You quoted the wrong person.

Second I really do care about your company. I want to know how your paying a basic entry level job to the level that FD's and LEO's are making with more of a skill set and training.

I know that we know that you know your boast of 85K+ a year is a just a load a BS. I am directly calling you out to explain how and why your pay is comparable to a Fire department and Sheriffs/ Police department. The math just doesn't simply add up.

Stand by for a BS avalanche, interspersed with beaten cliches and hashtags.

Dan Louk

Forum Probie
Stand by for a BS avalanche, interspersed with beaten cliches and hashtags.
No BS avalanche. No cliches.
Just amazed at how hard you're trying to keep EMTs from making serious $$$ at Ambulnz. You'd rather Ambulnz back off the Model and pay EMTs $11 for your own personal gain...that's all there's to it. I've never heard of anyone complaining of a company paying their employees too much...anyone except the competition that is....


Forum Probie
So here I go. I worked at Ambulnz for two weeks. Couldn't stand it. There's not any good dispatchers there. (They had one - he quit cause they ran him dry) I for one was being "used" running calls back to back to back and promised the pay used for the "model EMTs". Never seen it. So I quit. I don't like being lied to and that's all they do. I didn't meet Eric or Dan for that matter. Look, I'm going to be honest. The home facility is Monrovia is nice. But that's about it. Our uniforms were just a polo shirt and tactical pants. The money wasn't good. $11 hour. Minimum is $10 here. And the dispatchers and supervisors DO lie to patients and I was tired of being yelled at by the patients for being so late but only getting the call 10 mins prior. They need to re evaluate the dispatchers and the FTOs are a joke. Anyone have any questions from a REAL former employee, hit me up. I've moved on and now I'm happy as can be running 911 calls for a very amazing company. Take care my fellow EMTs


Forum Probie
Yea that's all fine and well. What you failed to state is how. The companys aquired did not have the best reputations NOR the management and the field employees. By the way love the thanks giving food give away vide of the emt with the gloves hanging out of the pocket and the zoom in. Real professional. What is he a mechanic or an emt? Thats like leaving your shirt untucked. It's all fine and dandy to improve, to make more to succeed. What has failed here is to explain HOW repeatedly. Your not getting it? You're using a basic mdt app claiming to have uber capabilities. Any 911 call center with good tracking has that capability. It's nothing new. Buying the crapp of the crop and claim to pay emts more than the market rate which we discussed and again everyone laughed at because its BS, you again failed to state how you are simply paying outrageous wages. Your treating it like you got the secret sauce recipe for in n out when we all damn well its thousand ranch dressing. You raise alot of red flags that show the same failures as the little dialysis companys that got big too fast and were fraudulent.

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Mr. Gone Fishing, am sure you know of M&As and have heard of "assets purchased" or goodwill, negative or positive. When Ambulnz purchased those companies, assets were purchased to be integrated into the Ambulnz system. Where the Ambulnz objectives and vision are implemented. So NO, we don't carry that reputation that you mentioned.

On another note, I have been curious about the massive Medicare/Medicaid false claims. The news accounts talked about the owners filing claims for NEMT transports when a simple taxi would have sufficed, or some other form of cheating, in some of the discussions here, EMTs were asked to complete forms even if it were not true. Can they do that? If they did, did they do so out of fear of losing their jobs? Anybody saw these incidents firsthand?


Forum Deputy Chief
Mr. Gone Fishing, am sure you know of M&As and have heard of "assets purchased" or goodwill, negative or positive. When Ambulnz purchased those companies, assets were purchased to be integrated into the Ambulnz system. Where the Ambulnz objectives and vision are implemented. So NO, we don't carry that reputation that you mentioned.

On another note, I have been curious about the massive Medicare/Medicaid false claims. The news accounts talked about the owners filing claims for NEMT transports when a simple taxi would have sufficed, or some other form of cheating, in some of the discussions here, EMTs were asked to complete forms even if it were not true. Can they do that? If they did, did they do so out of fear of losing their jobs? Anybody saw these incidents firsthand?
The basics to that false reporting was not directly pointed at your company. This has happened many times in LA county. Insufficient reporting. Which did cost several firms recently $7m
Most places do threaten their employees. You must be new in LA county or extremely ignorant. Any reputation will follow. Case in example, GCTI turning into Phoenix, everyone knew. The trust was broken and the reputation was there. You can slap lipstick on a pig and make it pretty but its still a pig.

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Forum Deputy Chief
The only issue you all and again I will repeat for the 100th time is HOW ARE YOU PAYING OR MANAGING TO PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES MORE THAN COUNTY AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES.
No one wants to go to your open house! No one wants to interview!
The base of your calls being medicare, medi-cal with low pay out HIGH refusal rates to pay leaves everyone scratching their heads. On top of that general cost. To start a company in LA is around$2 million properly before the wheels even turn. Private insurance yes pays but they too refuse full rates. In the past to get full rates companys did improper reporting. This left owners allowing to possibly pass the responsibility to the management at the time case in point Alpha Ambulance. With extreme over head cost, hopefully you see where im going with this is, it doesn't make sense. So if you can explain how you are doing the impossible when its not possible weve been all ears. You keep side tracking and hash tagging.

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Forum Probie
Funny thing is, I'm a former Ambulnz employee and it IS false advertising. I didn't even have the chance to make that much money and it still seems impossible. Case in point even the model EMTs that I know and still talk to that work there don't make no where near 72k a year. $900-$1100 checks. Add that up $21k-24k a year. And they are hiring any and anybody. While it takes a few background checks later to work at the company I'm at now. Big difference. What's that tell you?
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