Amateur surgery on

I totally just tagged that video to my Facebook page!!! AWESOME!!!! :P
As for the 800kg gorilla in the room...
Honestly, who here would be tempted to do that to themself? Who here is the type the pokes at scabs, pimples, skin tags and the like and could forseeably, just maybe see themselves doing that?

I have done it, though I used a 12g needle instead of a scalpel. It hurt, but as soon as the pressure was relieved I felt quite a bit better as it hurt. I wouldn't really call it a sane side winning out as much as I'd call it a means to stop the pain.

I've also seen a video of someone cleaning an abscess out. It appears to be taking place in some third world country, given the background. A conscious person essentially had a 12" long abscess on his leg that was cut open and the person performing the procedure was digging their hands inside of it to scoop out the puss and such.
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hey. i have been known to drain my own zits and the like... proper sterlization of everything. and i wear gloves when doing it. makes it hurt alot less
The girl preforming the procedure had a bandaid on her hand, and did not glove up prior to preforming an I&D. Not a good idea. Also, proper aseptic technique was not even attempted. Otherwise, not bad.
at least they handled themselves well.....
Originally Posted by WolfmanHarris
As for the 800kg gorilla in the room...
Honestly, who here would be tempted to do that to themself? Who here is the type the pokes at scabs, pimples, skin tags and the like and could forseeably, just maybe see themselves doing that?

Definately. I would do it a little cleaner...but I would do it. And I wouldn't regret it even if I ended up in ICU in septic shock.

But seriously, if squeezing a blackhead is like OTC codeine, doing this would be like... super heroin.
I only have one question, how can someone let it get that BIG!

that is going onto facebook :rolleyes:
Other problem (the obvious have obviously been covered) is that if they don't pack it, they run a great risk of the top tissue healing back and the open space filling back up with all that lovely anaerobic, multimicrobial, cottage cheezy goodness and they're gonna wind up right back where they started.
Which lets them do yet another video... ;)
As to the question as to why someone would do that...simple answer "NO HEALTH INSURANCE"

I've cared for a patient in the ICU who became septic and ended up on pressors after trying to do her own stitches because she didn't have health insurance. Don't get me started...yes I've noticed all the beer bottles and packs of smokes on the table and have heard the "if you have money to smoke you've got money to pay for insurance....."

Maybe universal healthcare's time has come. I know...just opened up a big ole can of worms.
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Really, Really, REALLY Dumb

1: How did he allow it to grow so large?

2: The lack of BSI on the "surgeons" part is disgusting. BSI benefits both parties.

3: Clearly they are all under the influence which leads to bad decisions.

4: I hope that he sees a Physican, Nurse Prac., PA immediately to get some Antibiotics and proper care.

5: Aside from all the things blaringly wrong with this I did say, "Ew" a lot watching it. LOL.
I actually had one similar to that.. not quite that nasty...... but bad enough... my girlfriend at the time had fun with it and got shot in the face in the fun stuff... after all the nasty stuff was out it healed fine.

Girls must like that kinda thing... whats up with that???
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i was present on my clinical internship in the ER when we drained one of these....about the size of half a baseball....and we packed it with cheezecloth strips....
i was present on my clinical internship in the ER when we drained one of these....about the size of half a baseball....and we packed it with cheezecloth strips....
I had one on my back that was drained and packed. Yes, it was at a hospital. Mine had ruptured and was headed towards becoming an abscess. Mine was about half the size of a table tennis ball. Mine was also packed with the cheesecloth strips. I healed uneventfully.