Forum Deputy Chief
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I wanted to get some feedback and see how other might treat this patient I had. You are dispatched to a local nursing home for above complaint.
Pt in a DNR
You arrive and obtain the following vitals:
Staff report temp 102.2 axillary, 88% SPo2 room air
pt baseline gcs 9, non verbal
monitor shows sinus tach 130
SPo2 77% on room air, 38RR
skin hot to touch
146/86 b/p
L/S rhonchi b/l
red rash noted in a few spots on the legs and chest, staff report this has been there for two days.
In route patient has PSVT with rates as high as 180 and back down to 100 and runs of vtach.
How would you treat this patient?
Pt in a DNR
You arrive and obtain the following vitals:
Staff report temp 102.2 axillary, 88% SPo2 room air
pt baseline gcs 9, non verbal
monitor shows sinus tach 130
SPo2 77% on room air, 38RR
skin hot to touch
146/86 b/p
L/S rhonchi b/l
red rash noted in a few spots on the legs and chest, staff report this has been there for two days.
In route patient has PSVT with rates as high as 180 and back down to 100 and runs of vtach.
How would you treat this patient?