You need to step outside your bubble for a bit and realise that there is more to medicine than your part, and things that you won't deal with.Many, Many, Many people? Maybe it is more prevalent in your area however I have never seen a single patient come in with a "Comfort Measures Only" DNR that was leading anything close to a "normal life". I have seen many people who have DNRs that come in who are quite independent and relatively healthy, but we are talking about two totally different things. I have also never discharged a patient home on comfort measures without some type of in-home care. Which I do on a weekly basis with many of our end stage patients.
Which is the beauty of these things; patients may change their mind at anytime they choose. And when told that they have a relatively minor and easy to treatement problem, many do.I do not know many people who are living normal lives who choose to die from a UTI or would refuse treatment for an allergic reaction.
I see more patients in much more varied settings than you do. There are plenty of patients that I see that, because of their choices, will never be seen by anybody who works is a hospital. So yes, in this situation I DO know more than you.But obviously it seems that you know more than I do.
Don't make this a **** measurin contest, ok.